Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys.. Im an amateur writer hoping to create something I would hope happened in one the books. So love it hate it I dont mind.. Criticism welome !! 

Chapter 1

Amara had just finished wiping down the last table when Roamy had asked her to close up. Before he had left he had glance at the poor girl. Roamy was a 56 year old Gay bar owner happily married to his Husband.He'd hired Amara out of Pity and a bit of admiration as he recalled the fire in her eyes to gain the opening vacancy. She was barely 21 and she'd worked countless hours of the day just to support herself in College. It was insane to him on why she'd decided to work for him . She was juggling this JOb and also was a kindergarten teacher at his daughters school. He couldn't understand why 2 jobs when her Brother was James Summers for crying outloud. He was a sucessful international singer. Roamy would've thought Amara would've been well of considering her brother but maybe they had a falling out. Dropping his bags in front of the door he whistle for Amara and and motioned to the Door.

"Common love, you've been slaving yourself for as long as I can remember. Go now."

Amara looked hesitant.

"No it's fine Roamy . I dont mind I _ " 

Amara was cut of when Roamy had grabbed her belongings and scooted her outside of the door quickly chucking her keys.

"Amara hunny/ You know how much Bill and I love yah. But you're young, hot, single and haven't got any by the looks of it".

Amara automatically blushed.

"It's fine hunny. I can lock up. Go, go clubbing with some friends, Heck go to a strip club if that's what it will take for you to relax. Go enjoy you're youth before you realise that you life might be a bit too dependant on botox"

Amara laughed. There was no way in hell she was ever going to do those things but it was the though that counted. She loved working for Roamy and Bill. They were such kind men to her and so cute together. She gave a quick kiss on Roamys cheek and thanked him. She walked to her car and drove back home. After a good hour drive she drove slowly and parked in her drive. Noticing the grey volvo parked across her house she huffed in annoyance. It had been nearly three years sinced she'd seen him and even then he was always a pain. Stepping out of her car and unloading her shopping she walked past him and got her house keys out and unlocked the door. She turned to her brother and sighed. Out of better judgement she nudged him awake after sleeping on her porch and began walking inside.

"Come inside James. You should've waited in your car where it was much warmer. You could've got neumonia from waiting here for me."

She hadn't looked at him yet . She made her way inside and turned on the lights. Her home was small and probably not nearly as flash as her brother's but she didn't care. This was her home and she lived. After loading the groceries on the table she heard the front door close and made her way to the the kitchen. Her brother had taken a seat on the couch and faced his back to her. By the tense way his shoulder were she had a feeling she wasn't going to like what he'd have to say.

"I'm going to cook soemthing to eat for us okay. You still like lasagne right?"

She saw his head nod and progressed into making it. Her mind was going out of control of thoughts of why her brother was here. I mean this was the same brother who she hadn't seen in years. The same brother who forced her to leave her family and friends. What on earth was he doing at her home.

James sat back at studied his sisters small apartment. It wasn't his ideal home but it screamed Amara which bought comfort to him. She was safe and looked well. She wasn't the teenager he had exiled a few years ago. She was a grown woman now and the thought terrified him. She still had the same caring nature she did when she was young. The same smile and the same doe brown eyes which mirrored his. He exhaled a breath. He couldn't believe it. After everything he had worked so hard trying to prevent it was happening. Amara had called for him to come and eat on the dining table and he had slowly made his way there. They ate in a comfortable silence. It was probably one of the best lasagne's he'd tasted and this was guy who travelled the world on tours with the best chefs at his command. He had finished earlier then her and  his eyes scanned the rest of the apartment. His eyes zoomed in on the stuffed toys and paintings of children stuck up high on her walls. HIs eyes looked at her accusingly. This was not good . If Alexander had found out she had beared another man's child that was his head on a plate. He stood up frantically and looked sown at her.

Amara's eyes looked up at her brother in suprise. something was wrong . He was looking at her like she had comitted the biggest crime in history.

"James whats wrong? Why are you looking at me like that ?"

He took a deep breath.

" Amara, did you bear a child in your absence?"

Amara spit out her food and choked. After swallowing her glass of water she went in the direction of the paintings and bought them to him.

"These are the paintings of kindergartener at the school I work at James. The toys also. No I don't have a baby" she laughed.

Was it really so Wrong if she had. Amara looked at her brother to see his expression turned to relief. Not a moment after Amara had turned to her brother and lost all the humor in her face. She cleared her voice and motioned for him to sit down. After finishing her lasagne she pushed her plate aside and too a sip of water and cleared her throat.

"Why are you here James? "

James once amused facial darkened and turned to disgust as he looked at the mark on her neck. HIs baby sister. Not so baby anymore. It was torture. Knowing her fate. His thoughts was cut of once amara had asked him again.

"James, Why are you here?" 

He took a deep breath and told her. He held her gaze and spoke the words he knew that could possibly destroy her.

" Dad's dead Amara."



Sorry guys. Its gonna be boring for awhile :( Im sorry I suck but Im a YOLO kinda gal haha. Once again apologies for the grammer and spelling mistakes.

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