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“Come on!” Amy called back to me, racing like train towards the subway on the corner.

“I’M COMING!” I shouted after her before running into the shop.

“Two 6 inch; heated Italian bread with cheese, ham, tomato and ketchup subs please” I heard her ask the man as I went to find us a free table. Which was easy seen as it was 7:00am on a Saturday morning and the whole of commercial road-an outside shopping centre near my house-was still empty. Except for the odd few people milling about like ants on a war mission. This meant the whole shop was practically empty. Brilliant! There were two people in the corner by the window, but that was it. 

“Here you go” she said plopping the two loosely wrapped subs in front of her, and a large handful of napkins in front of me.

“Err thanks?” I replied moving the napkins to her side of the table; taking my sub from her. Amy smiled sarcastically back at me.

“You not gunna eat them then?” she asked quirking an eyebrow. I gave her the ‘that’s not even funny’ stare and she just shrugged her shoulders taking a lions size bite of her sub.

I reached into my bag of infinity and took out two 500ml bottles of mountain dew; sliding one across the table to her.

“Did you know One Direction is performing at the Guildhall tomorrow?” she asked wiping some sauce from her mouth with one of the napkins as she swallowed the last bite of her sub.

“No, I didn’t. And isn’t that where your seeing Mcfly next year?” I asked finishing my sub too, screwing the wrappers up into a ball.

“Yeah” she answered picking up our rubbish, then reaching over and putting it in the bin behind her.

“Cool, can we head over to the music shop now” I asked when she turned back around.

“Pleaseeeee” I pleaded screwing my eyes up like a child about to have a tantrum.

“I’ll let you drag me into all your shops” I continued, staring straight in her eyes with the famous puppy dog stare.

“Okay, okay!” she said huffing like the wolf from the three little pigs and picking up her stuff.

“YES!” I screamed in joy a little too loudly. Causing the few people in the shop all turned to stare at us.


We quickly walked out of the shop and round the corner to the music shop when I noticed a new clothes shop next to it. It was called ‘With It’, it was one of those shops with the luminous clothes and bright show costumes.

“Umm...” I heard her mummer quietly next to me, stopping outside the shop.

“Go on, I’ll be next door” I said chuckling. She gave me a quick hug and ran inside like a five year old at the gates of Disney Land.

I walked into the music shop and went straight over to the desk. It was where John my 23 year old next door neighbour was sat looking as board as a plank of wood, with an alien newspaper open in front of him.

(recently he has started to read French newspapers to try and improve his language's not working :/)

The whole shop was plastered in everything music related under the sun you could ever imagine. It was as packed as a shipping crate carrying a computer. Every inch filled with something. All stuck tightly together like cars in a New York traffic Jam, so not even a mouse could fit between them.

“Hey Alex” He chirped looking up, his face perking up a bit.

“Hey. Can I use the piano?” I asked smiling, taking my light blue purse from my bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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