Chapter 2

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Chapter 02

I sigh in relief as I stepped out from my bathroom, feeling fresh and clean from stink smell. I wore my usual clothes, a comfy pink short matching with a black tee shirt. Exposing my bare, lenghty legs. I combed my hair as I look over my reflection on the full lenght mirror.

My damp chocolate curly hair ends at my lower back, matching with my brown hazel eyes that I thank of. I also have a slender figure that you can tell by my lenghty legs but curves are on its place. Ito ang babaeng nakikita ko sa salamin.
Hindi siya maganda pero hindi rin naman panget, katam-taman lang ang kagandahang taglay niya (yun ang iniisip ko).

I quickly pull out of my stun as I remembered my last conversation I had with Dad. Why would he wanted me to be ready? Anong meron sa araw na iyon? May tinatago ba sakin si Dad? Many questions popped into my mind that I barely noticed a soft knock on the door.

"Come in,"

Dad came into my view wearing his casual police uniform with his cap holding on his side. A streak of sun rays coming from my high window hitting the silver name tag on his right chest, gleaming like a star with a name 'JACK VILLANUEVA' written on it.

I frown, eyeing the silver metal. Dad once told me about werewolf weakness and it was a silver that burned our skin (I never dared to touched any, so I don't know what's the feeling of burning skin), drain energy, and something worse that I-don't-want-to-know. Dad seems not bother taking it off or replace something that doesn't made of silver. I think, he made some tricks to make it silver, police uniform necessarily need to have a silver name tag, indicating that you are a high and almighty. After all, Dad is a chief cop. (A/N: I just made it up. It's nothing true. This is a fiction after all.)

"Hi there Dad," bati ko.

"I gotta get going. I was a bit late anyway, but I can't just not remind you----- ,"

I cut him off. I rolled my eyes.

" lock all the doors and windows, keep my scent hidden all the time, don't come out unless it needed, don't let a stranger in, don't take a run while you were not here, and if youre late, I can reheat the food you'd already cooked. Dad, I memorized all the don'ts and do's you'd often remind me."

Hindi na nakapagtataka na sasabihan nanaman ako ni Dad tungkol sa mga reminds niya sakin at wala akong magagawa kundi sumunod, ano namang magagawa ko?

"Mabuti naman. Baka rin malelate ako ng husto mamaya and don't do anything stupid." he warn me the last part.

Dahil sa sinabi  ni Dad, naalala ko nanaman last time na nasunog ko ang kalahati ng kitchen dahil sa kapabayaan at hindi marunong magluto. I chuckled at the memory.

"No promises Dad," I proclaim in a half grin.

Dad make a sullen look. Nadala na talaga siya sa pagkasunog ng kitchen.

He then sigh as he strode over and jumble my now neatly hair.

I snorted.

"Just behave and be carefull, Avery. Mindlink or call me if something bad happened," wika niya na kitang-kita ang pagtatago ng kanyang pag-alala.

Dad don't really like the idea of leaving me behind and all alone. It's gives me a hard time then to convince him that it was all alright at alam kong malaki ang tiwala niya sakin sa kabila ng lahat ng kanyang tinuro.

"Dad, ilang beses ko bang sabihin na okay lang ako. 'wag na kayong mag-aalala. Ang isipin niyo na lang ang trabaho niyo. Kayang-kaya ko na ang sarili ko," I said softly, try to assure him again

The GuardiansOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant