Chapter Twenty Six

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Darkmoon Extinction

Chapter 26

    ''Something big is coming. Prepare thyself."

(Alex's POV)

I felt my eyes become my wolves as the door swung open, hitting the wall and leaving a small indent of the handle. One of Karl's minions walked towards me holding a leash. ''I don't want you near me with that thing. I can walk to wherever you need me to go.''

    ''Not a chance girly.'' He replies, clipping the leash to the silver collar. "Now let go, the boss is waiting in his office."

"Why did he move me to this room, if he wanted me back in his office thirty minutes later?" The guy just shrugs and pulls me towards the office. "No need to be so rough. This collar is silver you know. My wolf is currently weaker than she normally is."

He ignores me and we arrive at the office door, I stand beside the guy as he knocks, a voice shouts from the other side of the door and the guy opens it, uncoiling the leash and pushing me inside. "Jerk off."

"Now, now. Is that anyway to speak to a man?" I look back at Karl and he's wearing a suit, looking at some papers in front of him. Glancing up to look at me for a second, then back at the papers. "I'm guessing you're wondering why I've brought you back in here again."

I stay quiet, not removing my eyes from him. He smells different and not a good smell. "I need your help. Now, you can do this willingly or you can do this the hard way."

"Depends on what it is, but I really don't feel like helping you with anything." He looks up at me, looking for an answer. "Considering you've kidnapped me, held me hostage against my will and forced me to fight against other wolves." I pause for a second. "Oh! And you've also weakened my wolf with silver because you think the queen is going to whoop your ass." I shrug my shoulders. "I don't think the favour is on your side."

He chuckles leaning back on his chair. "You done?"

"You're also an asshole." I cross my arms. "Now I'm done."

He just carries on looking at me, no word passes between us for two minutes as we just stare at each other. "Like I was saying. You can chose the easy way or the hard way, but I'm guessing by your answer, you're choosing the hard way." He clicks his fingers and I feel my arms being brought behind my back.

When the hell did this guy come into the room? Karl stands up and walks over to me, pulling a needle out his pocket, whilst grabbing my left arm. "I need you to test this for me. I'm warning you. This might hurt." He tells me before he sticks it in my arm.

I scream as it feels like my arm is on fire. The guy leaves go of me and I fall to the floor, clutching my left arm. Tears start to fall as I feel it travelling towards my heart.

I clutch my chest and lie in a fetal position as the pain doesn't stop. Eventually it gets too much for me as I give in and pass out.


A bang on metal disturbs me from the slumber. "Wake up girl!" I slowly open my eyes, blinking a couple of times to get used to the light that's surrounding me, I realise that I'm in a cage, yet again.

Letting out a sigh, I move to sit up, the burning feeling still spreading all over my body, but tolerable. I don't know what was in that needle, but I do know, that Karl isn't playing a fair game.

I should have guessed he wouldn't. He's doing everything to make Jason feel pain. Even if that means hurting me. No doubt that Jason has felt what I just felt. I would tell him I'm sorry and that I'm fine, but the silver has weakened the link between us.

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