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"Do you want some eggs?" Mom snaps me out of my thoughts. Thank God. "Yeah sure" I nod "whatever keeps me longer away from school" i whisper hoping she didn't hear me. You see my parents are really strict when it comes to school. They want me to have a bright future. Not like them. My parents aren't really rich actually not at all we can't afford an Iphone for example. But it's not like we don't have the money to buy food or anything. But the fire in our house didn't really help, now we have to find money to buy a new one. My dad's gonna work double and my mom is going to try and do late hours. But even then it will be hard for us to buy a new house so we'll just have to hire an apartment or something. I finished my eggs and stood up. "Bye mom" i said kissing her cheek. "Bye sweetie, have fun at school" she shrieks a little to enthusiastic to my liking. "Always" I mumble sarcastically. I don't have a car since my parents can't afford that so i'll have to walk to school, it's not that far away from my grandma's house anyway. +++++ "So he like really saved your life?" Emma gasped at me. I rolled my eyes at her she's acting like she saw an alien or something and get's a million dollars for it. "It's not that special he just gave me some ladder that's it" I inform her, yet again. ''Aw cmon Lora, that guy's the most popular guy in LA you can't say it's not a big deal, he knows you exist he spoke to you" she screams at me. I hold my ears trying to avoid them to get hurt. I swear she's so dramatic. " I wouldn't be too sure about that, he probably doesn't even remember doing that. And talking to me? Well not really if you consider nodding as talking then yeah." I close my locker and head of to chemistry with Emma by my side. "Like you forget saving someone's life that fast" she whispers because she knew she was pissing me off. Emma's my best friend well actually my only friend. She has brown wavy hair and she's gorgeous even tho she is no guy noticed her presence. She's not the type of girl to wear make up all the time or be a bitch to people. Because come on we all know that's how you get popular. Emma and I don't care about popularity. Maybe Emma does more than me. But she still isn't dying to be it. We like ourselves as it is. Invisible. We approach a group of girls obviously watching something "interesting" such as a hot boy or a fight,... The list goes on. To me that's bullshit. Not important at all. Cameron, Justin and Jason walk out of the crowd obviously ignoring the girls that are trying so hard to get any attention from them. I laugh. They're so pathetic. But then I realize cameron is coming closer to us and for some reason I get really nervous and that's not normal for me. I never get nervous for a stupid boy. But Cameron he's different, he's the cutest guy I've ever seen and he so happened to go to my school he's in every class I have and yet he doesn't know about my existence well accept for the little hero moment from yesterday. Which I'm sure he already forgot about. He's a dick he doesn't remember girl's like me. The kind of girls he cares about are girls like Lindsay big boobs, perfect body, perfect face did I mention big boobs? And a good fuck. Yeah those kind of girls are all that matter to him. Speaking of Lindsay there she is walking over to Cameron with her bimbo's by her side. I roll my eyes not really wanting to see the scene she's about the give basically saying "I'm lindsay Gerda look at me I'm the most important person in this school" and to top the ice every girl admires her. They all want to be her. Not only because of her boyfriend but also because of her looks. Well let me tell you, I would never want to be her. Her personality would make me hate myself. I hate girls like her thinking they're everything and all the rest is nothing compared to them. Well guess what, they're wrong. Okay maybe they're right but that doesn't give them the right to show it. I rolled my eyes ignoring the make out session in front of my eyes. Yeah it's disgusting really. I head off to my class. Emma and I have this class together thank the mother of God. Seriously classes without her are boring. ++++ It was lunch and I couldn't find Emma anywhere so I just sat alone. Which I hate these fake bitches look at you like you're some kind of dinosaur that's came to life. No really they aren't really friendly to people like me. But I guess that's high school for you. Judgmental bitches everywhere. My phone buzzed and I had a new message.

I'm sorry, I couldn't make it to lunch had some paper to work on.

I rolled my eyes typical Emma she wouldn't do her paper's at home no no that's not a 'thing' to her. She does it at school, it's annoying because I have to sit alone all the time. But you get used to it I guess. Everyone's looking at one direction of the cafeteria where obviously Cameron, Jason and Justin walk in. As always they ignore the stares and keep talking and laughing to theirselves. That smile of Cameron so cute. Wtf Lora what are you thinking. Instead of thinking embarrassing things any longer I focus myself on my food. And my phone.

It's fine. Just don't do it again.

I answer Emma. Hoping she won't do it again. But something tells me she won't listen. I finish my food and throw my left overs in the trash can and head over to my locker. Checking what my next class is. P.E great. At least you got to see Cameron's hot arms. This voice inside of me will kill me one day.


it's so bad ;'( it's hard to write in english when your language is dutch :S like you're trying to say something but you can't impress it... ughhhhhhhhh

but vote & comment please :)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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