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⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Last updated: 11th of July, 2022

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

❥ 1
First things first, this book is open to people of ALL types. I don't mind what your sexuality is, what race you are, what religion you devote yourself to, etc. The same thing goes for your characters, so let's all just be nice to each other and have fun!

❥ 2
If you notice that I've stopped replying for longer than expected, check the rules to make sure everything's okay, then tag me! Chances are your reply either got buried or my reply didn't send for some reason, which happens to me a lot.

❥ 3
On that note, wait at least two weeks before tagging me. I'm pretty slow when it comes to getting through all my replies, and I now have a specific schedule that I try to stick to. Tagging me repetitively in a short amount of time will honestly just annoy me and make me less motivated to reply.

❥ 4
NO SMUT IN THIS BOOK! It's no longer a matter of me being uncomfortable, I just don't want to risk having the book taken down. If stuff starts happening, either use a time-skip or ask to move it to PMs- Though, fair warning, I might not always want to take it to PMs because it heavily depends on my mood at the time. Also, I don't think I'm particularly good at writing that sort of thing, so please keep that in mind.

❥ 5
Cursing is allowed, just make sure you censor it! Again, I don't want to risk having this book taken down. If we're roleplaying in the PMs then you can just ignore this rule.
Ex. F*ck, sh!t, aşs, etc.

❥ 6
Roleplay using the third person POV, please! It's a lot easier for me to understand.
✘ - Don't act like you're the boss of me! *turns on heel and walks away*
✘ - "Don't act like you're the boss of me!" I snapped before I turned and walked away from you.
✔ - "Don't act like you're the boss of me!" Harley snapped harshly and spun on her heel, then proceeded to storm away from Elizabeth to cool her head.

❥ 7
Please try to make your replies at least semi-detailed! Six sentences is the new minimum. I don't mind if you go under every now and then, since I understand it can be difficult sometimes, but if it's consistently happening, chances are I just won't reply. That might sound harsh, but I struggle so much with figuring out how to reply to short responses, you have no idea- If you're a long-time friend/roleplayer in this book, you're exempt from this rule.

Likewise, please don't overwhelm me with text. As much as I love detail, I do have a lot of people to respond to, and I don't want all my time to be taken up by just one person. Try to keep your reply limited to one comment. I won't mind if it spills over into two, but any more than that is too much.

If you haven't already read through these and submitted a form, don't randomly show up in my PMs asking to roleplay. I've had too many people do this only to ask to do an NSFW roleplay with my succubus OC, which makes me uncomfortable. For this reason, I now won't respond to anyone who goes straight to PMs without submitting a form in this book (or tagging if they prefer).

Please don't completely misunderstand this rule! If you've submitted your character(s) and I've accepted them, I'd be more than happy to roleplay in the PMs! This rule is only here to keep the creeps away!

❥ 9
Please don't control my characters. I cannot stress enough how much it annoys me when people do this- I have my characters, and you have your characters. The only time I'll make an exception for this rule is if there's like a.. mind control sort of thing at work.

❥ 10
I've decided to now set a limit of four roleplays per person so that I don't get too overwhelmed. If you've reached the limit you're still more than welcome to start a new one with another character, however one of our current roleplays will have to be put on hold for it.

❥ 11
I understand English is not the first language of many people, as well as the fact that some people have actual mental complications that make reading/writing more difficult, but please try to reply with the best grammar and spelling you can! It will help me give more accurate replies. Of course, the occasional typo is a given and I will not get upset every time I see one.

The next chapter titled 'Notes!' is completely optional for you to read, so you can skip it if you want, but I highly recommend giving it a look! I'll put some extra information there that'll be useful to know!

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

𝐔𝐦𝐢'𝐬 𝐎𝐂 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt