There's A Party Here in Altea!

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News of Prince Keith and Lance's wedding had reached beyond Altea. In the desert outside the kingdom, a man climbed over a sand dune and stood watching the palace. He was dressed a pair of black pants, brown boots, grey shirt with loose sleeves, a black belt around the waist, a blue hooded cloak with a loose fabric that could cover the mouth and nose

Behind him, groups of camels climbed over the dune, huge baskets on either side of them, attached to the saddle. Out of one of the baskets, a man popped his head out. The cloaked man walked up and shoved his head down back into the basket and closed the lid. The group continued to the gates of Altea, where several travelers were entering the gate.

Kolivan watched the people enter the gate and flood into Altea. Another guard by the name of Ulaz, was on the other end watching as well. The pair were watching to see for anything suspicious, especially on a day like today.

"Oooh, in all my years, never have I seen the streets so full of bustle and hustle and assorted commotion," a peddler commented as he carried a large sack over his back. Kolivan turned to the man and sighed.

"Our Prince is to wed," Kolivan commented. The man nodded.

"Oooh, wonderful! And who's the lucky prince?" the man asked in curiosity.

"Not a prince at all," Kolivan spit out with a glare. "Just a no account street rat," Kolivan growled out as he crossed his arms. The man stood up and the sack he was carrying landed on top of Kolivan. The peddler turned out to be Hunk in disguise.

"No way!" Hunk pulled Kolivan out from under the sack, Kolivan growing palm size in his hands. "Try it fanatically," Hunk said with a smile. Ulaz tried his best not to smile and laugh seeing his superior small in the genie's hand.

""It's Lance!" Hunk said as he threw a magic ball into the sky and a sign with generic font appeared that spelled Lance's name. Hunk turned to the crowd with a sheepish smile. "Awww... Some of you don't believe," Hunk said as he punched the sign and with a puff of smoke the sign spelled out Lance's name in a nicer font.

" There's a party here in Altea

There's excitement in the air "

Hunk sang as he held a snowglobe of Altea in his hands. A smaller version of Hunk flew past, sitting as if he were a plane pilot. He flew past the crowd as they made their way to the palace.

" People pouring in from near and far

'Cause Keith and Lance are gonna have a wedding "

Hunk flew in front of an elephant that was carrying a rich man on board, and his servant.

" There's a party here in Altea

Everybody will be there "

Hunk grabbed the elephant's foot and started filing the animals' toenails. The rich man and servant struggled to hold onto the saddle because of the angle.

" So if you're a pauper or a shah

Do something' with your hair "

Hunk caught the two before they fell off and hit the ground. With a puff of smoke, Hunk made the pairs hair frizz and stand up tall.

" You mustn't wear an outfit that's naughty "

Hunk exclaimed to a trio of harem girls. The girls jumped back in surprise as Hunk pointed at their outfits.

" A turban that's unraveling just won't do "

Hunk pulled on a rich man's turban and ended up spinning the man around like a tornado.

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