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Lance Mcclain choked on the water that was filling the chamber. They'd been on a undercover mission in a pod when they'd been shot down, they'd landed in some sort of ocean.
"Shit" He looked around to see Shiro emerge from the rising water that had flooded the chamber. "Theres a way out but I'm too big to get through it's a hatch big enough for all of us but its shut with a bolt. Im not able to hold my breath long enough to open it. " Pidge looked at Shiro tears streaming down her face "I'll do im small enough" "No!" Shiro said sharply "Your not strong enough to hold your breath that long" Pidge cried harder as the water rose to chest level. Keith, Allura, Hunk and Coran just stood there in shock. "I'll do it" Lance spoke  up "I'm tall but thin, and Im the Paladin of water right? I'll be fine"
"Lance wait-" Keith began "Dont worry I'll be fine" Lance knew he wouldn't be, even if he wad able to hold his breath longer than the others this wasn't normal water, it was slightly acidic. The faster he got them out the better. "See you on top" Lance sucked in a breath and dove, the water burned his eyes as he swam through the tight hole, but halfway he got stuck, but the hatch was only an arms length away, his vision spotted with black as he twisted through. His lower half was still stuck but he was able to force the hatch open. The water was sucked out and so was Lance. He was floating aimlessly as he felt the acidic water burrowed it's way into his lungs, and he was forced to open his mouth but shut it quickly as qater streamed in. He wriggled around his nails scratching at his throat, screaming soundlessly........ his head felt light and his hands loosened their grip, his eyes looked blearily around. A surge of happiness flooded through his chest as he saw the paladins exit the ship and break the surface before being pulled onto boats. He smiled weakly, "Good bye guys.." he mouthed as the darkness set in
Its pretty bad, I just wanted to update

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