My Best Interests

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"She should be here by now."

I looked at my watch impatiently. The time was 9:23p.m. Maaya said she would be here by 9:00.

"If she wasn't gonna show up, why didn't she just call me and cancel?"

I'm sick of her crap. She'll always show up late or not at all. I walked away from the street light I had been standing under, and started heading home. This is last time I listen to her "This is stupid. I'm go- "

"Where do you think you're going?"

I spun around quickly, startled, as I saw her standing there.

"Oh you're, h- "

"Yeah I am. Let's go."

She walked pass me. Quickly. Wherever she was taking me she obviously couldn't wait to get there. I followed after her like a puppy following its owner. And that's exactly what I was to her. A puppy. An obedient little dog. A mindless disciple. A sucker. An idiot who couldn't think for himself. Why do I put up with her? Why do I let her do this to me? Why do I accept to do anything and everything this girl tells me to do? I clenched my fist in anger. I am not putting up with this anymore. I'm my own man. I glared over at her. Always. Always. ALWAYS bossing me around and telling me what to do. Well not anymore. I opened my mouth. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell her she is NOT in control of me. Not anymore.

"Are you alright?"

All the pent-up anger and frustration shriveled up and drifted away with the evening breeze.

Maaya studied at me with her light green eyes. The light of the moon reflecting them. Making them seem even  more irresistible.  Her short dark brown hair flowing in the gentle evening wind.

I wanted to speak, but everything just turned to mush. My brain. The words of fury that were about to be directed at her. She did this to me. Every time I looked into her eyes...

"Look, I know I'm being rather direct, but I'm so excited. I just want you to... I can't wait for you to...Please just trust me. I know that's kind of a lot to ask, but please. You know I only have your best interests at heart."

Oh. That's why I let her get away with her inane antics. She actually does care about me. She...just wants what's best for me. That's why I don't mind her leading me all over the place. She genuinely cares. Wow, she reminds me so much of my sister, Coraline. She died last year. I miss her all the time. Her laugh. Her smile. Her sense of humor.


I snapped out of my thought to see Maaya looking at me with a worried expression. I gave her a small smile.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, good. Come on"

We walked in silence for a moment before I realized I had no idea where we were going.

"So, uh...where are we going exactly?"

She glanced at me for a moment, then at the ground, then on the dark road ahead of us. A small smile creeped on her lips.

"It's a surprise."

"A surprise huh?"


"But, the other times we went places you told me where we were going. What makes this time so special?"

"You'll see."

I smiled nostalgically as the previous adventures we had flowed through my mind. Many times, Maaya and I would go wandering. We traveled to the train station, the forest, and my personal favorite, the cliff that overlooked the whole city. All the places were beautiful in their own way, and full of mystery sprinkled with a bit of danger. I loved it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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