Chapter Sixteen

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    “Callie!” Zayn yelled out, he heard her scream far away. He heard a yelp of pain, and turned to see Harry clenching his stomach. Harry violently vomited on the ground and wrapped his hands around his stomach. “Harry!” He yelled. Harry finally managed to stand up, and he looked at Zayn.

            “Marcel.” He whispered, pitifully. John stood beside Harry with a terrified expression on his face, Zayn turned to look at Louis. Louis was speaking quietly to one of his pack members, that Zayn had yet to meet. Niall, on the other hand, was looking at the direction of where Caledonia screams had come from.

            “Impossible.” He whispered ever so quietly. Zayn snapped his head up.

            “Impossible? What is impossible?” He tried to reach for the young Irishman, but Louis stood in front of Niall and hissed at Zayn. Niall carefully uncovered himself from Louis’s back, and looked at Zayn.

            “Caledonia is a Bruxa.” He says simply, with a shit eating grin on his face.


            “Impossible.” The man tells Caledonia, and she feels like she cannot breath. So much blood is seeping out of Marcel, and his eyes are fluttering closed.

            “What is impossible?” She screams at the man.

            “You, Mrs. Malik.” He says, smiling. “You are one of them.” Caledonia feel like she will vomit, she can feel Marcel’s blood leaking on to her.

            “What is them?!” She yells. Marcel’s eyes are slowly opening. “Mars, please stay awake. Please.” She whispers, and the man laughs.

            “Bruxa.” The man says. “A witch of ancient Ireland.” The man tells Caledonia, and he has an evil glint in his eyes.

            “You know nothing.” Marcel chokes out, and the man laughs.

            “I know that she is destined for great evil.” The man says. Caledonia stares at him with hate.

            “Let me help him.” She pleads. She hates that she has to beg, but Marcel’s life is more important than pride.

            “No.” He says simply, walking out of the room.  Marcel was struggling to breathe, and he leaned over to Caledonia to whisper to her.

            “Scream.” He tells her, and she looks at him with disbelief. “Scream, it will help Zayn find us.” He tells her, blood spill out of his mouth. Caledonia takes a deep breath and screams over and over again, until the man comes back and knocks her out.


            Zayn rushed into the forest in his wolf form with three tigers and two wolves hot on his trail. They ran in the direction of the first scream. They all stop in their tracks when they hear another. This one is urgent and terrifying. Another one follows, and another, and another. Then they stop.

            They are close and Zayn can feel it. A small cabin comes into to view and the smell of blood invades everyone’s nostrils.

            She isn’t screaming anymore, Zayn thought to himself. He began to run as fast as his legs could carry him, with Louis on his tail. Images of a hurt Callie came into his head, and he feared the worst. He could recognize Marcel scent in the blood, and hers.

            Zayn quickly turns back into his human form as he busts into the cabin, and what he sees makes his blood boil. Marcel is seeping blood, and Caledonia is slumped against his shoulder, passed out. A man is standing beside Callie and holding a knife to her throat.

            “One more step, Mr. Malik, and this pretty little girl will die in front of you.” The man says in a singsong voice.

            “Step away from them.” Zayn commands, and the man laughs out loud.

            “Let’s play a game, shall we?” The man giggles, his ugly teeth shining the moonlight. “You pick which one lives, your advisor or wife?” Zayn can literally feel hate flow though his veins. Just before he can move Louis, along with Liam, bust into the room. They find the man standing beside Cal with the knife and they freeze. “Oooo, more to join the party?”

            “Who are you?” Louis spits out. The man laughs again.

            “I hunt people like her for a living.” He says. “Do you know what she is?” He ask, giggling.

            “Bruxa.” Zayn tells him, and the man nods, rapidly.

            “She is destined for great evil.” The man says, “To bad she has such a pretty face.” He says, pouting. He gently grabs her face, and Caledonia groans quietly.

            “Don’t fucking touch her!” Zayn bellows.

            “Ah, young love. So pure, but she isn’t.” The man says. Just as he is about to speak, Liam sneaks up behind him. “I wish I could let them both live, but-“ The man is cut off by Liam breaking his neck.

            “ I hate the melodramatic ones.” Liam says, dropping the dead man. Harry finally bursts into the room, his eyes finding Marcel. Harry wails in agony, and rushes to his brothers aide. Zayn takes this time to get to Caledonia. He turns to John, telling him to make sure no one else is here. Zayn gently takes Caledonia in his arms after untying her, and picking her up. She moves slightly, but she falls still.

            “Marcel, Marcel, Marcel.” Harry is sobbing, holding Marcel.

            “We have to take them back to Niall. He will know what to do.”  Louis tells them, he makes a move to try and take Marcel from Harry, who flinches away violently. Louis sighs, and looks to Zayn.

            “Harry, we need to take him.” Zayn tells Harry, quiet but forcibly. Harry slowly stands, taking Marcel with him. Harry rips part of his shirt and binds the wound as best as he can. Marcel is breathing very slowly, and he slowly opens his eyes.

            “Hello, brother. Fancy meeting you here.” He gasps out, and tears slip down Harry’s face.

            “Stop talking, Marcy. I’ll take care of you.” Harry whispers out.

            “I do not doubt that you will. Cal? “ He asks out, and Harry softly shushes him.

            “She is alright.” Harry assures Marcel. The two pack begin to walk out of the cabin, which Louis is tempted to set on fire. Zayn carrying Caledonia and Harry with Marcel.

            “Harry?” Marcel whispers out.

            “Yes, Marcy?” Harry ask softly.

            “Do you think Niall likes me?”    

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