Story suggestions

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In this part you can submit requests or suggestions for stories/ideas. I will credit you on the idea, by dedicating the chapter to you.

Some ground rules:

1. I will not be taking in other than MCU characters.
2. I will not alter any relationships in the MCU. (Sorry, not sorry)
3. I will not alter MCU events, but there will be no mention of civil wat or infinity war in any of the stories, so basically Civil War never happened and Infinity War WILL NEVER EVER BE ALIVE IN HERE.
4. Tony will not have children of his own, but he can adopt Peter if he wishes.
5. You can also suggest lengthening up some short story on the internet. AS LONG AS YOU WILL TELL ME THE NAME/USERNAME OF THE ORIGINAL POSTER. Exc. Tumblr name.
6. No Harley
7. Ehh, I'll add more if I want to.

Submit suggestions or ideas here please. (In this paragraph)

Unless the story is lengthened from the original, I take full ownage of the writing of that.

I need Yondu to be
yeeting that arrow
around here.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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