Story Summaries

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@blue___22 suggested it'd be best to consolidate things, so I'm going to lump my post-2002 one-shots over here.

The Friendly Battle: Glass never expected much from her owners but she thought they would know danger when they saw it. She thought she could trust them not to get her killed. 2018

The One Who Moved: Pokemon POV: one of the type who pass through the 'cocoon' stage in their evolution. Yes, the ones you fight for the forest for quick exp because they can't attack back and yes, I did write this just to make you feel guilty. 2003

Absolution: A different take on absol than the usual. Pokemon POV. 2004

Knowledge:  A girl is crying in a pokemon center. 2005

Hatred: Ash visits Misty. There's someone else with them too. 2005

Decades: Rattata are shortlived pokemon in the wild, but captured... 2005

Waiting: When Team Rocket invades Silph and you rush to the rescue, your rival comes too. He makes his way through the complicated layout and enemy trainers, gets nearly all the way to Giovanni and the president, and then...stops. 2006

Hoppity Learns the True Meaning of Ice Skating: A C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶m̶a̶s̶ ̶H̶o̶l̶i̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶̶w̶i̶n̶t̶e̶r̶  ice miracle. 2018

You: Experimental. 2010.

Curate's Egg: Easter, beliefs, and battles. 2019

Tapu: Though Alola's first champion left with the four tapu before she was even born, they are still her gods. No one will take that from her. 2019

Seven Kids at the Beach: "Prompt: Write about a trainer bringing his/her Pokeomon for a visit at the beach! Anything else is up to you: just make sure it follows the idea." 2019

Shadow: Someone living in an alley tries to understand what a beloved pokemon from the lap of luxury could want with the garbage and risk of his kind of life. Written for a contest on the Thousand Roads forum themed around myths and legends. 2020

Slush: The vulpix of Mount Lanakila assemble to choose a ninetales, as they always have. But never have they gathered so frequently, and never have their numbers dwindled so low, and never has it seemed at once so desperately necessary and so utterly futile.For the June 2020 PWA contest, prompt 1: The Pokémon world has been on the brink of extinction for a long time. Then one day, it falls. Why did this happen? What happens next? Who survives (if anyone)? From a zombie survival story to a tale about two lovers finding hope in a deserted world, anything can happen in a post-apocalyptic dystopia.

Substitution:  Perhaps this battered, mysterious stranger was just what Charmander'd been looking for. Part of the Zoroark Games over on Ao3, imitating Negrek.

To Paint the Lily: "Lysandre is just, like... It's about beauty. It's all about beauty. Beauty is what justifies the world," Dorian tells his date. Part of the Zoroark Games over on Ao3, as myself.

With joy shall I behold the day/that calls my willing soul away: Winston researched extensively to find just the right breeder to buy his contest partner from. The riolu's dam was from a long line of contest champions, the sire the partner of an inter-region champion and international hero, and as he holds his egg in his arms he knows it's going to be perfect.

Disfigured: A coordinator's beloved pokemon is stolen from her. Submission for Thousand Road's contest about friends and partners.

The Walls of Khthon: You've got to take kiddies on the occasional field trip, and it's true the walls do block out how the sky really looks. Still, I wish someone else could've been picked for the job. Part of the Zoroark Games over on Ao3, imitating Pen.

Disillusioned: A contest champion's day starts off very well. Part of the Zoroark Games over on Ao3, as myself.

Dawning: Gololyod woke to find a hailstorm outside and dark clouds coating the skies above, so naturally she set out to visit her friend, only for the weather to turn brutal. Can anything save this terrible day she's having? Submission for Thousand Road's contest about villain POVs.

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