Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Dean sat up slowly in the bed where Sam had placed him, no more than a couple of hours before.

Crowley smiled, excited by the possibilities this turn of events promised. Dean felt strong,

powerful and angry, overwhelmingly angry. He turned his head and looked at Crowley. Just

seeing the smug grin on his supposed kings face caused his anger to boil over into blind rage. He

was off the bed, on his feet and had his would be master, pinned to the wall quicker than he

imagined possible. With Deans forearm press tightly across his throat, Crowley struggled to speak.

“Wow, down boy,” he croaked, but despite the situation, he found that he was immensely proud

of Dean’s show of strength. “I’m on your side, Dean. We’re playing for the same team now.”

Dean wasn’t about to listen to anything the limey bastard had to say and was planning to snap his

neck in response, when the smile on Crowley’s face widened. “Sorry Dean gotta go,” he said

before he disappeared.

Alone in the room, Dean's breathing was heavy, he was livid, having been robbed of the chance

to tear Crowley apart. He instinctively knew what he was, he could feel it, right through to his

core. He was no longer human, no longer a Winchester. He was violence, darkness and chaos. He

was everything he had despised, everything he had hunted. He was evil but he was surprised to

find he really didn’t mind. This was better, sure he was consumed with anger and craved to see

the life slip away from some ones eyes, by his hand, but he felt no fear, no guilt, and no self doubt.

He knew what he was and he knew what he needed to do to feel better, to take the edge off. It

was simple and right now he was enjoying simple. He looked down at his hand still gripping the

First Blade and felt its strength rushing through him. He glanced around his room, his eyes still

black, and saw the world differently. Colours, although not gone, were duller, muted like looking

through dark glasses or tinted windows. There was nothing left here for him, nothing he needed or


“Impeccable timing as always Moose,” Crowley said, as he popped into existence in the centre of

a Devils trap, however, Sam wasn’t in the mood for any of Crowley’s banter.

“Shut the hell up! You don’t speak, you bastard,” Sam hissed. “Say another word and I’ll drive

this through your throat.” Crowley eyed the angel’s blade that flashed in the taller but younger

Winchester's hand and although he wasn’t in the least bit intimidated he remained quiet. “You did

this,” Sam growled. “You got him tangled up with the mark. You got him killed. And now you

are going to fix it. Bring him back. I don’t care what the terms are, deal, now!” Sam demanded.

Crowley continued to remain silent until Sam prompted him with an impatient “Well?”

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