The Ultimate Ghetto Supreme...SUPREME VIII

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Deejay sluggishly took out her iPod Nano and scrolled through the songs she had in her possession. "So," she began, "What song should we do?" She looked at the rest of the girls with curious dark eyes.

They were all sat in a circle, Deejay next to Nialliana, next to Leighamma, next to Louisiana, next to Harriellen.

"Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit?" Nialliana suggested.

"Nah, too hardcore."

"Work Bitch by Britney?"

Louisiana rolled her eyes. "That's too cliche, Leighamma."

"Do you have a better idea?"

Louisiana shrugged.

Harriellen shyly spoke up. "What about Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey?" Everyone nodded in approval. Louisiana was a bit confused, however. Harriellen had never been shy before. Had something happened? The blue eyed girl looked at her in minute concern.

Deejay, noticing this, had a smug smile on her face as she stood up and played the floaty tune after connecting her ipod to the speakers in the room. It really was dedicated to Mark Twain, she noticed. A large statue was in the center of the room. Perhaps they could use this as part of their dance routine. Anything to get ahead of Maxynnia.

Leighamma, unsurprisingly, looked a smidgen worried. "Um."

The girls all turned to her.

She scratched behind her head, stretching out her body. "Are we just going to ignore the fact that Maxynnia & Co. threatened to put us at the bottom of the competition? It's not like she couldn't do that, I mean, she had some freakin' Star Wars ship! I think she could do anything if she could get that motherfucker."

Louisiana laughed, remembering the flower basket incident. "Maxynnia? She's all talk. Trust me."

Leighamma raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound, indicating that there was about to be an announcement on the loudspeaker. The girls all looked up from their stretching.

"He-" The loudspeaker turned off for a moment. Then it quickly turned back on. "Hello girls! As you may have already figured out, this is Malte speaking. Well, we've decided to change something up to add a little more excitement and female bonding."

The girls all eyed each other uneasily. This could not be a good thing.

"For the dance segment of the pageant, the judges have decided to make two teams of girls team up and create one dance which they will both be scored upon!"

Louisiana closed her eyes and took a deep breath in to calm herself.

"Don't worry though, you are allowed to choose the team you will work with! Now girls, this is a test of your integrity..."

The blue eyed girl couldn't listen anymore. She couldn't believe this. The Wanted were probably behind this shit. So they wanted to play this way? They'd just have to play dirtier. It's on, Maxynnia. It's on. Bitch.

Harriellen scooted over closer to Louisiana, who was too deep in anguish to notice. "It's- it's alright, Lou. Look."

Louisiana opened her eyes to see a group of girls that had walked in without her noticing. The four girls were of different heights; one had multicolored hair, another was very short but pretty, the tallest looked to be around 6 feet, and the last girl dressed pretty uniquely. They seemed to be a cute bunch of girls. That didn't mean Louisiana wanted to work with them.

The tallest, who seemed to be the leader, spoke first. "Hey, so I can tell you're not happy about the announcement." Louisiana looked out the window. "Um, well we'd like to work with you. Since we have to. Oh, I'm Taylor by the way, and this is Ariana," Taylor pointed to the shortest one, who waved, "Kesha," the girl with pink and blue hair smiled, "and Charli."

Deejay smiled at the girls and introduced the girls in One Direction. "So, we were planning on doing Brooklyn Baby by Lana."

Taylor smiled widely. "So were we!"
And so they began.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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