Chapter 1: Pack House

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The high pitched wailing of my alarm clock projected throughout my bedroom as the red numbers flashed '3:00 am'. A low groan crawled its way up my throat as i reached towards my nightstand and slapped the button on top of the alarm , efficiently muting the horrendous noise. Pulling the thick covers around my small body, I decided to lay down a bit longer; a few more minutes wasn't going to hurt anyone. A few minutes quickly turned into fifteen minutes, as I began to doze off once more.

A rapid knocking at my door pulled me out of my sleeping state before my father barged in; without permission, might i add.

"Get up, Gwen!" he whispered, obviously agitated at my lack of readiness. He pulled the blankets off of my bed after flicking my light-switch on. My eyes involuntarily squinted as they struggled to adjust.

"If you're late one more day, i'll be forced to suspend you for the rest of the week" he lectured before leaving my room. As much as I didn't want to believe him, I knew that Alpha Lyell was growing tired of my tardiness, and would no doubt demand my suspension.

My father is the official pack doctor here, and highly reputable. I've had the privilege of filling the role of his protegee, as medical instincts are often hereditary when it comes to werewolves. Our occupations have earned us an impeccable amount of respect, not only within our own pack, but among others as well. My father is well known among many packs due to his skills regarding the surgical field mixed with his sense of humanity; his loyalty to our kind knows little to no bounds. He voluntarily travels to other packs in times when they are in desperate need of a highly educated medical official.

Stumbling over to my dresser, I pulled out a pair denim shorts and a plain maroon tank top. I quickly pulled them on, not bothering with a shower as I only had 10 minutes to clock in at the clinic.

I made my way down the stairs quietly and out the front door, sure to not wake anyone else. My father and I were required to reside within the pack house as that's where the inner circle was mandated to stay. Although not fond of living with a bunch of testosterone filled males, i knew where my responsibilities lied. Besides, the rest of the inner circle consisted of Beta Issac and 18 of the Alphas most trusted warriors. Although still technically included in the "inner circle", Alpha Lyell wasn't required to stay here as he had a mate and two children; they has a house of their own within our territory.

After a good 8 minute run through the shortcut in the woods, the clinic made it's way into view. Rushing in, I punched my time card before heading to the break room which held all of our staffs lockers. Our clinic consisted of two doctors ( being my father and I), along with 8 nurses, and 3 interns.

"Without a minute to spare," a voice teased, well aware of my fondness for sleeping in. This voice happened to belong to my best friend, Elijah. Although he's Beta Issac's son, he managed to make a name for himself as he made way into being a nurse.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" I mused as I changed into my work attire, which included a pencil skirt, white blouse, and a lab coat.

Neither of us bothered shielding ourselves as we got dressed; the locker room offered no luxuries beyond a place to store your belongings, and a few metal benches that were randomly placed among the room. Sure it had been awkward being indecent the first few months of working here, but eventually you get used to it and it is no longer a huge deal.

Digging through my locker became a hassle as I was unable to find my stethoscope. Elijah eyed me with an amused expression as I huffed, throwing an internal temper tantrum. Just as I was about to give up, I felt him loop something around the back of my neck.

"You left it in room number 3 when your shift ended yesterday," he explained. "I tossed it in my locker so it wouldn't run off anywhere."


Making our way to the storage closet, we grabbed a few stacks of linen before heading to the emergency line up section. It was an open area with 9 hospital beds lined up on the far side of the room, each with the option of being divided by a curtain. This was reserved for when we had a heavy influx of patients and not enough rooms; usually heavily occupied during battle training which begins at 5:00 am. Preparation for such patients often takes a while, hinting our early shifts.

We conversed lightly as we made up each individual bed. According to him, he overheard his dad talking to Alpha Lyell about tensions between two fairly large packs about two hours away from here. He theorizes that the Blood Mood pack is the instigator but he wasn't able to make out everything his dad said. If that is the case, then i'd hate to be on the receiving end of the Blood Moon packs wrath.

I've only ever heard stories of that specific group, but legend has it that they are the most powerful pack among all werewolves. Their alpha is rumored to be a ruthless monster. It's said that years ago he massacred several of his bordering packs in order to increase his territory; killed innocent children and women alike for the sake of land plots. Although I've never encountered them myself, it's safe to bet that conflict with them would be an atrocity.

I shivered.

Once done with setting up the emergency line up, we headed to the front desk to get our next work orders from my father; he runs the clinic.

"Dr. Evian." Elijah greeted my dad once we reached the desk.

"Goodmorning," dad hummed as he sorted through files before handing us each our own clipboards, mine being baby pink.

"Why don't you go check up on Mrs.Peterson, one of the nurses mentioned her bandages needed cleaning before he clocked out. "

Flipping through my papers I found her room number.

"Room #7," I spoke to myself before grabbing my cart of medical equipment and strolling there obediently.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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