Till Its Over

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It's been five centuries since the Husks took over. We had lived in peace, the kingdom full of life and bustling with activity. We were on the track to becoming a kingdom that would go down in history as one of the greatest kingdoms. Then it all happened so quickly... and no one had any time to stop them; not like they had the strength to stop those horrific monsters, anyway. One starry night while everyone was sleeping, a small meteorite crashed to the ground in the center of the kingdom's capital. When everyone woke up, everything was different.

When the townsfolk opened their doors in the morning, they were met with a world being drained of color and life. The once green and beautiful land was now dark and dying. Mixed in with the groups of horrified onlookers were these dark husks wandering around what used to be their friends, their family, and their pets.

At first, the husks were like zombies drawn to natural life, slumping around to all of the plants. All of the flora slowly drained of color whenever these creatures laid their touch onto them. But it quickly became evident that they were evolving, adapting to the bodies they took over the more they drained from their surroundings. Then my ancestors realized that the selections of bodies they took weren't random; the creatures weren't just a mystery plague caused from a space rock that was infecting people at random. They were a brilliant invasive parasitic species.

They stole the bodies of our royalty, our fighters, and other important citizens. The army of monsters kept growing until they didn't need to take our people anymore and then their bodies began to change and evolve. They became even faster, deadlier, some gained extra appendages, and their leader even grew in size.

Try as my ancestors might, they weren't able to drive these creatures away as they were no match against the creatures, and soon they became slaves to the monsters. They forced all of the remaining townsfolk into slavery, and forced them to become farmers and servants to fulfill their every desire. If anyone tried to fight against their rule, they were punished severely in many different ways, including mental and physical torture. After a while, most people gave up trying to fight for their freedom and gave into their new life of suffering. Though while everything seemed grim there was a small light that shown through this darkness; a small group of people had decided that they wouldn't give into these monsters no matter how bad things got. They called themselves the Insurgence.

The Insurgence barely stood a chance against the monsters, and the remaining one hundred eventually fled from the remains of the kingdom. They knew that eventually the monsters would start on a conquest and begin to acquire land outside of the kingdoms barriers, and knew that if they were found; they'd perish quickly. In fear of the monsters finding them, they began to search for a secretive place to set up camp. It took them days of travelling, but they eventually came across a seemingly safe cave system for them to inhabit.

After a few months, they had set up the camp and had fallen into a daily routine. It was becoming a small civilization, with many of the people having different jobs and a hierarchy began to form. The leader and founder, Aaron Silverwood, was at the top, and he had a council of leaders under his rule. Under that rung in the society, there was a small military and police force. The rest of the people were civilians who were on the bottom of the hierarchy, having a number of different jobs.

One day, there was a village meeting called to discuss the monsters. Everyone knew that their escape was only temporary, and that they could only hide for so long. Within time, the monsters would have found them; and they had to be ready. With their forces, they could only hold them off—they wouldn't be able to defeat them. Even though they weren't strong enough, they wanted to be able to retake the kingdom and vanquish the monsters once and for all. It wasn't just the leaders that had this opinion, every single member of the Insurgence held this exact feeling. It's why they put their lives on the line in the first place. That's when Aaron said that they were going to create a weapon that would one day be the saviour of the kingdom. He asked for a volunteer to undergo a ritual of reincarnation. Whoever underwent this procedure, would be reborn as a baby in their bloodline whenever they died, until that bloodline faded away. They would retain all of their memories of their past lives, and continuously learn until they were strong enough to be able to slaughter every single one of the monsters.

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