A new me

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I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for them to call me

"Aha Ava Banks?". The man asked I got up and went to the back

"How can I help you?" He asked

"Um I would like to get breast implants and butt shots". I said

"Ok what cups and cc's?". He asked

"Um 38 B And 39 cc's". I said he smiled

"Come back tomorrow and we will start your surgery". He said. I went home and went to sleep the next day I got up did my hygein and went back to his office and they gave me some meds and I doze off when I woke I was in a lot of pain I looked and saw my body I was looking right after I felt ok I got up and left to get my hair did I wanted it straight ironed after I got it done I went to get some green contacts and my toes and nails did and a wax and my eyebrows waxed and then went home to see the new me at school the next morning I woke up and did my hygein and put on some blue jean ripped booty shorts with a with a pink belly shirt that showed my abs and my belly button Pierce then I curled my hair all over and put in my earrings and my rigs on each finger and headed to school I'm in college once I got there I got out the car and a boy that never knew I existed came up to me his name was Savion

"You must be new?". He asked I got mad

"No dumb ass it's me Ava". I said he looked back at my ass

"Ha,you mines now". He said

"Cool with me". I said and we walked in school together

"How bout we skip school and go to my place". He says

"K". I said and we went to his place and he laid

Me down and kissed on my abs

"Fuck I cant". He said

"Why?". I asked

"You changed". He said

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