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it was 4:50pm on September 13, and I had decided who I was going to love.

I decided that I would be jack gs girlfriend since I already am, and that I should give him another chance. so I called jack j and told him my decision. he understood but I could tell that he was sad. I asked him what's wrong and he said, "jack and I just had a huge fight over u and well we aren't friends anymore."

"But how can that happen I mean u are best friends I've never ever in my life seen a more perfect friendship?!" I said.

"Because we both love u so much and we both want to be with u and not let the other have u." He said.

"Uhm I gotta go jack. I love you."

"Love u too olivia!"

It was about 5:05pm when I ended the phone call. I needed to comb through my hair and wipe my tears from crying over who I should choose. I ran to jack gs house and arrived there at 5:08. His family wasn't home because his sisters had a soccer game. So I rang the doorbell and I didn't get an answer. the door was unlocked so I went inside.

I didn't see jack g anywhere so I ran as fast as I could to his room. I found a suicide note. It read:

It's Thursday, September 13. I'm going to step off of the ladder in my closet at 5:07pm. I want u all to know that this was my solution to my problems. I've been secretly dealing with depression. I love u mom dad and my sisters. I love u. And jack Johnson, my dearest best friend, no wait, more like brother, I love you. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I love you and I hope that u can move on and find someone who can replace me. and lastly. OLIVIA. I. Love. You. I love you. I don't know how ull move on. I couldn't bear to see u with jack j. So I took my life. I hope u know that I love you, my dearest Olivia. U were the reason I loved for the first time. I'm serious, Madison is just a friend. That's our way of saying hello. I love you. I'm sorry. I love you so much Olivia I hope to see u one day in heaven. Ur beautiful and intelligent and I love everything about u. Have a good life. I love you.

<3 Jack Finnegan Gilinsky

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS NOOOO. I ran to the closet and saw him hanging there, looking lifeless. I called 911.

-911 call- (w- woman. M-me.)

W-"911 what's ur emergency?" Said a woman.

M-"Uhm oh my gosh I I can't my boyfriend is hanging is his closet most likely dead I don't know send help seriously I can't let him die."

W- "it will be ok. what is ur address?"

M- "87012 W Waterpool Ln. Omaha NE PLZ help PLZ now I love him!"

W-"help is on it's way. Stay with him and hold him up so he's not being choked by the rope."

M-"ok. Hurry up I'm not strong enough!"

-end call-

Ive been holding him up for 2 minutes when I heard people storm into jacks room. I yelled "IN HERE!" They came in and took jack down and got him in the ambulance. I was in the ambulance holding his hand when I called his parents and they said they would be at the children's hospital right away. I could tell that his mom was crying. I was crying too. I had taken the note with me so I could show them.

We arrived at the hospital and they toke him into the emergency room. They told me to wait in the waiting room, but I just couldn't. I tried to run to where he was, but no luck.

At around 5:30 his parents and sisters arrived, bawling. I was bawling too. I told them that it was all my fault, that we got in a fight and so did him and jack. they said it was ok that it wasn't my fault, but deep down, I know it was. 'I can't let him die' I kept thinking to myself. I was praying and praying for The Lord to keep him alive. soon jack Johnson arrived, crying also.

At 6:00 they told us all something, and I started to break down.

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