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Meet us with the child or your precious queen dies.
I read the red words written on the wall again and again.
They tell me the blood belongs to the dead manservant lying in the hall. Austin was found unconscious not far from the body but he's not hurt to bad.
"What are we going to do?" I hear Drew ask.
"I don't know. We have to find a way to get Brad back but we can't endanger Ara." Austin says with a sigh.
"If anything happens to her he'll never forgive us." I hear Levi agree.
"So how do we do that?" Drew asks again.
"I don't know." Austin repeats.
I can't stand here any longer. I start walking away from the scene. James and Tristan are right behind me as always, I can feel them.
Neither of them say a word as I walk towards the back gardens. I walk through the maze until I find our bench, the one we always sat on together as kids.
I let my head fall into my hands as I sit. What can I do? This is my fault. They want me dead and they took him to get to me.
"Your Majesty." A heavily accented voice says softly. I glance up to see Alara, our nursemaid. She's holding Ara. Reece is next to her holding a squirming Elsie. Blake and George are right behind them.
"I don't think she likes me." Reece mutters as Tris take his daughter from the younger man.
"Your Majesty, you cannot let your grief blind you to what's important." Alara tells me.
"What do you mean? My husband has been kidnapped, he may be dead, because of me." I tell her.
"Your husband may be gone but you still have your daughter, his daughter. I may not have know the Prince Consort very long but I do know that he would want you to focus your love and attention on the child. Not on grieving or berating yourself." She says sternly.
"But they're after me." I tell her and she gives me a hard look.
"Did Prince Bradley know of the threat against your life when he married you?" She asks.
"Of course." I says not understanding.
"Did you force him to marry you?" She asks.
"Never." I tell her shaking my head.
"He married you knowing and willing to put his own life in danger to be with you. It is not your fault. He knew what could happen and he stayed with you anyway. The only blame here to be placed is on the ones that took him." She tells me sternly.
"She's right, Con. It's not your fault." James tells me.
"Let your men do their jobs and find the Prince Consort. You do yours and care for the Princess Heir." Alara tells me as she forces Ara into my arms.
Ara looks up at me and smiles. Her smile looks just like Brad's. I hold her closer and press a kiss to her forehead.
I glance up to see Elsie has her head buried in Tris's neck already half asleep.
"Thank you, Alara." I tell her smiling softly. "You're right, Brad would want me to focus on Ara."
"You aren't the the first grieving husband I've had to convince about that." She says softly. "You just have extraordinary circumstances."
"That's us. Extraordinary all the way." Tris stays grinning.
Alright I managed it. I wrote another chapter. Thank you to all of you that keep asking me to update, that's what I needed. I can't guarantee that the next chapter will be out soon but I can promise as long you you keep asking I will keep trying.

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