Chapter 3

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Cameron came running over to my house today. He picked me up and twirled me around kissing me on my neck and face.

Cameron: guess what?!?!

Kylie: what...

Cameron: it's been a month

Kylie: what?!

Cameron: yep I went with the plan and all she wanted was pink sugar purfume and I bought one that was on sale so...

Kylie: thats awesome!!!

Cameron: yep and now that we're done with her I officially ask you if you would go on a date with me?

He said while getting on one knee. 2ow I forgot we haven't even been on a date yet and were not ever bf and gf so I gotta say yes.

Kylie: yes

Cameron: great so be ready at 8 am tomorrow and don't wear fancy clothes like wear shorts and a crop top or something

Kylie: kk

Next day


Cameron: with you marry me

As he said while getting on one knee

Kylie: oh my Cameron I love you so much so I say...

*beep beep* *beep beep*

Kylie: dangit I wonder what I said

I woke up at 6:30 to get ready. The first thing I did was get in the shower. I used my nuskin shampoo and conditioner and then used the hair mask. I got out and walked to my room I picked out my burgandy sofee shorts and I picked out a muscle tank of palm trees and put on white converse. Then I went over to my friend jenecas house and she did my eye lashes she did the thing when it's like fake eye lashes put just putting on a strip they individually put each eye lash on and it looks like you always have mascara on and they last like two months. Then I got home. And it was 7 am k so I got an hour left I checked my phone and I got a text from Cameron

Cameron: don't eat breakfast

Kylie: k

I went up stairs and combed my hair and straightened it. By the time I was done I went down stairs and watched tv. At 8 I heard the door ring and I went up to see Cameron he had skinny jeans converse and an x mob t shirt.

Kylie: what's x mob

Cameron: it's my dance group

Kylie: fun!!!

Cameron was driving so it wasnt awkward. I plugged my phone into the aux and turned on usher conffesions part 2 and Cameron rapped it perfectly. Then I turned on work by iggy and I rapped it perfectly. Then I turned on na na by terry and we rolled down the windows and grooved it out. Then I turned on bottoms up by terry and we both sang the chorus and cam would rap treys part and then I rapped nicki minaj's part. Then we were there... The happiest place in the world.

We got out tickets and went in then me and cam went to this place that made Mickey mouse pancakes it was so cute. We starred in the haunted mansion. When the ghosts would sing me and cam would bounce our shoulders. Then we went to the princess land and went on Alice in wonder land oh I love that movie i always wished I was alice idk why I thought I was gonna cry untill cam put his arm around me. Then we went to space mountain (fav ride) and I sat in the front with cam behind me hugging me the whole time. Then we got tickets to go to California adventure we rode sorin over California then we went to cars land then we went to California screaming and then went to the fariss wheel it was so cute just the two of us we ended up getting stuck at the top and we decided to look for some where to eat while we were up there. Then it was the end I of the day we watched the fireworks then we started heading home when we realized we forgot to get ears!!! We went to the store and I got minnies ears and cam got normal Mickey ears then I also got a second pair of the old classical ears. Then we realized the California adventure was still open so we hurried and rode tower and terror I love that ride too. Then we headed home it was a perfect first date

Cameron: we should go to Disneyland more

Kylie: yeah why don't we get season passes

Cameron: yeah let's get them tomorrow

Kylie: ok

We stopped at my house and cam opened the door for me.

Kylie: do you wanna know what we forgot to do today

Cameron: what

I went up and kissed him he kissed me back and fireworks were going everywhere and I didn't have that knot in my stomic.

Kylie: Well night cam

Cam: night KK

Idk why but he started calling me kk it's cute though.

Kylie: bye

Cam: bye

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