Broken Reality A resonation Chapter 12!

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Broken Reality A resonation
Chapter 12
Created October 27 2018
Created By The Warrior
Mind Drifter

The thing is Wind a warrior never betrays another
warrior. That is what monsters do. They betray
each other. Wind nods. I know Father. When
a warrior is betrayed it is never betrayal but
a revealing of truth.

Luci smiles. That is why I trust my warriors full
heartedly. In better words respect for trust is
what the enemy does and why his trust can
be broken.

What have you come back to me for anyways
Wind? I thought you was off looking for treasure.
Wind nods. I had to come back to silence the

There is too many voices in the wind. My head
not clear enough yet. I have located great
treasure but that treasure left and reappeared
by another. It must have been moved by something.

Luci nods. I don't get you but that is okay. Only
you need to know what you're doing. Always
be true to yourself Wind even when nobody
else is.

Do you know the legend of Storm? Have I
ever told you about the legacy? Wind nods.
It is that treasure that is the greatest of them
all. The reason I am back here. It must be.

Luci smirks. Like I said I don't know anything
about that. I do however wonder what will
happen when somebody obtains it. Somebody
like you Wind.

Wind leaves Luci behind. Luci shrugs.
The wind always calls the one where
the one should be. The winds of life
and purpose followed by the right

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