Chapter Two: Verre

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It was time. Verre smoothed the shimmering silver folds of her gown, the movement allowing her a peek at her sparkling glass slippers. Glass. The word always brought a smile to her face. It was so deceptively deadly. The rich sound of a horn rippled through the silence, causing all those waiting with Verre to glance up.

The prince had finally arrived.

Verre looked up as well, forcing an awed expression. It would not bode well for her if her disgust was evident.

There he was, descending the staircase. His unrestrained grandeur sickened her. His unicorn-fur robe alone could pay for an entire city's meals for one whole moon cycle! That, coupled with the fact that it was illegal to hunt unicorns, caused a spark of anger to burn deep inside Verre. Did no one care?

There was one thought that made Verre rather hopeful. She had heard rumors that the king had sired another child. It was obvious the king had many illegitimate children, considering his history, but none ever survived childhood.

Of course, it was merely speculation, but perhaps if the rumors were true, Allegora might regain some of its former glory, instead of just being known as the politically fragmented kingdom of Atulau.

As Verre glanced around, she saw shadows scurrying about, so slight she barely recognized them as humans. The king's many slaves, better known as handmaids and men. Of course, none of the other nobles noticed anything. Wealth was a wonderful blindfold to pain and suffering, and if Verre hadn't been brought up differently, she probably would be just like them.

Footsteps echoed, but Verre pointedly ignored them. A hand slithered along her shoulder, diverting her thought process. "And who might you be?" The slippery smoothness of the prince's voice nauseated Verre, but she retained her composure.

"Prince Jonad." She gave a curt bow and pulled away. "I am Lady Rira, the daughter of one of the eastern lords."

The prince gave her a curious look, and Verre wondered for a moment if he recognized her, but then she remembered her enchantment. Until the clock struck twelve, she would be unrecognizable. A witch had been quite helpful in enchanting the way she looked. Even if someone were to try and find Lady Rira, they would be disappointed to know she didn't even exist.

Prince Jonad's eyes raked over a woman to their left, Verre glancing over as well. Her dress was made of lace so fine it must have been created by the great spiders of the mountains. Definitely a pricey choice.

Of course, she doubted Jonad was inspecting the dress but rather what it didn't cover.

Averting her gaze, she studied him. If one were to go only on looks, he seemed like a pleasant enough man, especially with his splendid physique, deep brown eyes, and charming grin. But while his eyes were pretty, they had the look of a predator about them.

"Are you enjoying yourself tonight?" His mouth formed a subtle, pleased grin. At her brief nod, he continued, "Have you had a chance to see the palace gardens? They are unparalleled."

A garden. Secluded. Private. Alone. That was how it had happened to past women.

Fear wormed its way through Verre though she tried to placate it. He could do nothing to her. She was practically his height and just as strong. Still, the intensity with which he stared at her—his gaze occasionally drifting to the rest of her body—spoke volumes. Now Verre understood to a small extent the terror Lora, the woman who had hired her, had been forced to experience.

She plastered a coy grin onto her face and placed a hand on his arm. "I would be honored, my prince."

"Then let us head there right away! I'll order some of the servants to bring food and drink there for us." The pleased expression on his face sent a shudder rushing down her spine. He guided her into the garden, his hand resting confidently on her hip.

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