Chapter 11

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(A/N: Don't yell at me!)

∞*∞Bailey's POV∞*∞

I had been pacing around the house for the past hour. Every time I passed the kitchen, Harry and Becca would call for me, but I would ignore them. I didn't know what was going to happen.

What if he didn't get released? What if Pettigrew escaped?

So many bad scenarios were running through my head. I couldn't help but have doubts.

I passed the kitchen again as I heard Harry and Becca talking.

"He'll be released. I have no doubts about it." I heard Harry say.

"I'm not entirely sure, Harry." Becca replied." I mean, Fudge isn't the best minister. Have you read the papers?"

"Of course I have. They're a load of bullocks!" Harry exclaimed.

"Exactly! And Fudge has them published because of that." Becca explained. "He thinks they're believable! Any wizard with a good amount of brains can see how simply ridiculous they are!"

I walked away after that, doubts running faster in my head.

I ended up in the drawing room and traced the family tree. I brushed my hand across Becca's leaf and mine. Mine was never burned off because Grandma died before she had the chance. I figured it would have been because I was a half-blood and I was her delinquent child's daughter. Becca's probably wouldn't have been because she was pure-blood as far as we know, and she's the daughter of the "good" child.

I jumped when I heard a pop from the kitchen and an unfamiliar voice call out to me.

"Bailey Faith Black! Come here, please!" The voice called out.

I entered the kitchen to see a man who looked like a Ministry official dressed in black fancy robes and a pointed hat. A gold badge glinted off his chest that stated:


                                                                  Ministry of Magic

"May I help you?" I asked politely.

"The Wizengamot is in need of your assistance to the trial of Sirius Orion Black." He stated importantly. I bit my lip to keep from snickering at his posh-ness. Yeah, I made up a word. Don't judge me.


"Take my arm, please. For side-long apparration." I took his arm and waved to Harry and Becca before I felt a hook around my navel and felt the breath knocked out of me.

We appeared in a fireplace in a tall building, fireplaces all along the walls, witches and wizards appearing left and right. The ministry official and I stepped out of the fireplace and I was in awe. The walls were glassy brick and there was a giant statue in the middle of the circular middle. A group of golden statues, larger than life-size, stood in the middle of a circular fountain. Tallest of them all was a noble-looking wizard with his wand pointing straight up in the air. Grouped around him was a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf. The last three were all looking adoringly up at the witch and wizard. Glittering jets of water were flying from the ends of the two wands, the point of the centaur's arrow, the tip of the goblin's hat, and each of the house-elf's ears, so that the tinkling hiss of falling water was added to the pops and cracks of apparators, and the clatter of footsteps as hundreds of witches and wizards, most of whom were wearing glum, working-too-much looks, strode toward a set of golden gates at the far end of the hall.

(DISCONTINUED) Magic is Might, Love is Power (Harry Potter Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now