Chapter one - Happy past part 1

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Initially, they met by sheer coincidence.

Taehyung was waiting outside for his another random omega date. The petite youth which was alpha's companion for today invited him to go on concert. Alpha could not bother checking out current evening's artist. As the boy came they've gone briskly inside.

Petite youth started dragging him further inside by his wrist. Blinding lights, loud music and masses of sweaty, intoxicated bodies. Taehyung liked to put on the playboy extrovert act but in reality he was just lying introvert. His fake aura stayed on when he was spending time with his dates, in front of his friends alpha mostly liked to stay true to himself.

As they were both getting closer to the stage strange sensation enveloped Taehyung. Sickly sweet like scent approached his sense of smell. It didn't feel like any kind of perfume or cologne so it must have been probably pheromones.

Someone around has to be in heat. Though it was hard to tell, between so many humans could get lost even a big rat.

He decided to shift his attention to the crowd around. His current fuck toy led him even further into the snake nest. Horny sea of limbs, grinding each other's loins.

Little twink looked loaded so of course he'd take him to backstage which was only accessible to VIPs and rich kids.

The closeness of the music seemed to finally penetrate his mental barrier that blocked out almost all elements in the proximity.

With the shorter distance pheromones also seemed to get more intensive altogether.

At the right side where the stage happened to be was quite tall man dressed from head to toe in black.

Anti - dust mask decorated by skull pattern being proudly displayed slightly under his chin. Big oversized basic hoodie topped off by skinny jeans with bone pattern.
His clothes made his body look little bigger than it really was.

Rapper up there was literally spitting fire at admirable frequency.

His performance managed to not only hype up the crowd but to also to make them cheer extremely loudly.


When the performance has ended rapper went to exit the stage walking towards Taehyung, boy toy hanging onto his arm. The seemly annoying short creature started to squeal excitedly immediately as the rapper got closer. However the taller didn't seem too delighted to see his fan, more likely Rap Monster as others called him looked dizzy. Soon after intensive smell filled the space around.

The rapper excused himself and left.

On the other hand Taehyung came to conclusions the taller could be much more interesting target, so he's decided to abandon annoying boy during the span of current nighttime.

' Sorry Seulgi, I remembered urgent matter I have to attend soon. '

With a sly smile on his face, alpha has forsaken clueless omega in search for better amusement.

Searching for the scrawny rapper wasn't all that hard.

Rap Monster was hanging above one of the washing basins in the restroom, nausea and pain contorted his face, which indicated to one thing that couldn't be denied.

Alphas often lost their mind over single omegas running outside on the streets while they're in heat. In this day and age rape rate of omegas was still surprisingly quite high. Most of society didn't even care about such fact. At least those who got pregnant by rape weren't denied abortion.

Taehyung felt his mind go blank, his brain left to bathe in the carnal desire.

Everything moved so fast, driving him insane. Rendering him helpless to the strong pheromones.

Firstly what was akin to small fun turned into slip up which lead to fall from the cliff. Suffocation under the surface of the dark ocean has befallen alpha. Taehyung could not breathe, neither could he see. Time spent submerged seemed to be hours, yet they were mere minutes.

When he's managed to get to the surface his vision and all senses came flying back.

Taehyung was glued to Rap Monster like a leech, unable to let go before he's realized it was too late.

When Taehyung has regained his vision there the omega was right in front of him kneeling stripped half - bare, terrified, tears streaming down his face.

Fragile, beautiful mind, Namjoon x Bangtan /discontinued, reasons in book/Where stories live. Discover now