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Run. Run away. Faster, faster! Don’t let them catch you. Don’t let them touch you.

She ran as hard as she could. Her lungs were screaming. Her legs were on fire, and her entire body ached. The cold night wind whipped her hair across her cheeks and froze the tears to her exposed skin. Her bare feet cracked and bled as she sped down the dark road, not knowing where she was headed. She just had to run. She had nowhere to go, but she continued on. The bruises on her body were slowly beginning to take form, spreading across her skin like molten lava. Lights danced through the night, narrowly missing her pale, sunken form. Sirens wailed and called for her. Not looking back, she ran.

            An alleyway. Hurry, go! Slip into the dark crevice, hide. Don’t let them see you. Wait. Don’t move, don’t speak, don’t even breathe. They are looking. Here they are.

            Her blood pounded in her ears. She clasped her hand over her mouth in an attempt to mask her dog-like panting. She had to keep going, going until she was sure they would never find her. She turned and ran down the dark alley, not knowing where it might lead her. She didn’t care; they were coming. She had to get away.

            Stop. Do you smell it? Look, follow your nose. It will lead you to escape. Yes, run towards it. Do you smell it now? Water! Quickly, go now—they are drawing near. Run! Don’t let them find you. Don’t let them catch you.

            She turned again. She smelled it; the strong smell of river water danced on the midnight breeze. She could no longer use her eyes, they were useless and dark. She allowed her other senses to take over; in her mind a trail of water pulled her through the air, leading her by her nose. Her ears’ range expanded until she did not need her eyes any more; she could hear where they were. Oh, they were close. She ran even faster, panic welling at the thought of the impending capture.

            Hurry! They are catching up to you. You cannot waste time with these thoughts. Run. Don’t think, run. Good, faster! Outrun them. Don’t let them touch you. Run away.

            The cobblestone path suddenly sloped downwards. She followed her feet. She ran down, farther and faster down the road. And suddenly there was no road. Her feet found nothing but air. Fear shot up to her throat and a muffled scream broke through her lips. Falling, falling faster and faster.

            How long will you fall? Come now, wake up. You’re not through yet. Hurry. You’re almost out of time. Run. Swim! Go, go. Hurry now. Time’s up. Wake up!

            She hit the water. It was like she had been hit by a block of ice the size of a truck. She spun around and around, swept away in the current that froze her to her core. What was up, what was down? She couldn’t see anything. She couldn’t hear anything. Were they gone yet? No breath. Can’t breathe. Can’t…stop…spinning. Stop…..


            Wake up.

            She opened her eyes. Was it over? Did she make it? Voices floated around through the air. Words she didn’t understand bounced listlessly against her skull. Her hand moved sluggishly towards her head, like a blade of grass in pudding. Her head? What was..

            Don’t move. You are awake now, but soon you will fall back into the deep crevices that exist inside your mind. Stay calm. You will get through this. Just remember to run. As long as you stay out of reach, they won’t hurt you. You will survive if you… make sure…

            What? The voice slowly faded away and the room went dark. She groggily slid her eyes closed and relented to the nagging image lurking in the back of her mind. Come, it whispered. She took a step towards it, unsure. The light beckoned her closer. Come, it called again. She took another step. Another. Suddenly she was walking. She found herself picking up speed, drawn towards the light.

            Don’t walk. Run! They’re coming. Go. Run. Run away. Faster. Don’t let them catch you. Don’t let them touch you.

            She ran. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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