The Heart of the Operation - Part One

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It started out as just another ordinary day at the office. That's how it had been for the last couple of days after they closed a major case which led to a drug boss in prison. Although it was highly unusual, neither of them would complain. After six weeks of working day and night, they could use a little time to rest. Besides, the paperwork wouldn't get done by itself.

After stopping by the coffee shop with Kasie to get some hot brew and a few of these delicious cronuts, Ellie now set at her desk trying to get some order into her case files. Buried in papers and mumbling her candy, that's how McGee found her when he walked out of the elevator. "Morning, Bishop," he said, chuckling. "Uh, McGee ! Good morning. Didn't notice you got in. Just doing some paperwork." "Yeah, so I 've noticed." He dropped his bag beside his desk and appeared right to her left side. "What's that? It smells amazing..." Ellie laughed. "Oh, you want some? They're cronuts. Really delicious. Kasie and I went for a coffee before work. Thought I could get to know her a little, since she's still pretty new and wanted to know more about our team and Gibbs." Just as McGee wanted to reply, something else caught their attention, or rather someone. Nick Torres entered the bullpen, all shimmy and cheerful, humming one of his cheesy songs. Tim and Ellie could barely hold back their laughter – he hadn't noticed them yet. "Morning, Nick. Having a good day already?" Bishop asked. "Oh! Morning, guys. What are you up to?" he asks grinning at Ellie. "Bish, you should know, getting to see you in the morning always makes my day." Shaking her head, but laughing, Ellie answered, "Very funny, Nick, very funny. Usually you're only half as cheerful as you are now. Just saying." "Must be because I know who's going to offer me one of these delicious sweets...," he said joining Tim at Ellie's desk, his smile brighter than ever. McGee only shook his head at these two seeing some resemblance to Ziva and his former colleague and best friend Tony. He wouldn't say anything though, at least not yet. They should figure this out for themselves first. But he was sure that Gibbs would notice sooner rather than later as well, somehow he always knew before everybody else did. Must be a special gift. Speaking of Gibbs, their boss just entered the bullpen returning from Vance's office for sure, for he looked as grimly as usual after a meeting with the director. "Morning, boss. Everything alright? Do we have a new case?" McGee asked. Being the senior field agent gave him the ability to ask before Gibbs could order them to a crime scene, or so he thought at least. "Kind of. Meeting in MTAC. Now. All of you. Vance is already waiting." The three agents shared a confused look. Shrugging, Ellie stood up, taking her cronuts and coffee, she headed for the stairs, only waiting for the others to join her. "You know what this is about?" she asked Tim. "No, I've got no idea." He simply replied.


"Two women were found dead in an alley near a bar on Navy Yard. Apparently they had been reported missing by their families. All of that happened in a period of two weeks. The FBI investigated, they even send some undercover agents as customers to 'The Ocean's Heart' but didn't get any results. Yesterday a third victim was found at almost the same spot, she matches the others: young, blonde, attractive and apparently center of the male attention. Only difference, and that's where we come in, she was a Navy lieutenant. According to her friend she was flirting with some guys before her friend lost track of her. They searched everywhere but it wasn't until four days later that an employee found her dead behind the bar. Dr. Sloane believes that our killer is a male sociopath who is going to kill again, soon. But, Jack, explain for yourself." Director Vance nodded toward Jacqueline "Jack" Sloane. "Alright, thank you, Leon. Based on the little information we have on the murderer, I'd say he is a very dangerous sociopath, with a mission to murder young, beautiful women who are probably also successful, in both their jobs and their relationships (or hook-ups, to say the least). He most likely had to struggle with being bullied in high school and getting rejected by the girls at school, most definitely by his crush. He may have some unresolved mother issues but considering the very few information we got, I'd just say: he's highly dangerous and definitely going to kill again very soon." Jack looked at each of them but her gaze seemed to have stopped a little longer on Ellie. "Oh, and before I forget to mention this. After he kidnapped these women from the bar somehow (that part is up to you to figure out), he tortured but didn't rape them before he ultimately killed and dropped them behind the bar again. Not that this makes it somehow better." After Sloane's briefing about the mental health of their serial killer, Gibbs revealed more details of the tasks. " Considering the failed attempts of FBI to solve this case we are now going to take the lead. There is only one female person in HQ that perfectly fits the killer's pattern. Although it is highly dangerous we have to send a potential victim in who lures him out into the open." He looked at Ellie; there may have been a slight hint of worry crossing his face. "You've got to be the one, Bishop. Despite nobody else matching, I know that you're also very capable of taking care of yourself and now you get the chance to prove yourself just like you've always wanted." At first Ellie thought her hearing was playing tricks to her than she exhaled deeply, nodding towards Jack and thanking Gibbs and the director for this opportunity. On the inside she was almost screaming happily, she could barely hold it together trying not to sound too happy about this assignment. Her first solo undercover operation! Looking at the others smiling, she thought she had noticed the slightest hint of anger and...worry crossing Nick's face. McGee although he did look worried very openly, like a sort of big brother would do, was the only one smiling back at her.

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