The Heart of the Operation - Part Two

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Ellie woke up in a dark, cold room. At first she thought it was all just a dream, but then reality kicked in. She remembered fighting against...a big hand covering her mouth, she'd felt a knee pressing against her leg. After that everything had gone dark.

"Damn, what happened? How did I get myself into such a predicament again?" she thought. "I should've listened to Nick...Oh no, Nick! He must be devastated. I hope he doesn't go into his dark place again, not because of me." Ellie could feel the tears running down her face. She was more worried about him than she was about herself. She knew Nick, knew that he would try everything in his power to get her back. The same as she'd done everything in her power to avenge Qasim's death. If necessary, he would risk his own life for Ellie's. Although she admitted to herself that she'd do the exact same thing if he had gotten kidnapped.

Ellie tried to fight back the tears that were still filling her eyes. She had to be brave, she couldn't give up. She owed it to Nick and her family to keep fighting as long as humanly possible.

Ellie chocked, her mouth felt dry and it felt like she had a lump in her throat. She could hardly swallow. Silence was surrounding her but in the distance she could make out a dull grinding or squealing sound. Trying to stand up she suddenly felt dizzy and almost stumbled over some gravel on the ground.

Out of the blue someone threw open the door to her prison. "The killer," she thought in horror.

"Look who's finally awake, Sleeping Beauty herself." A tall man wearing dark clothes and a mask walked into the room. Behind him she could make out a dim light but it wasn't enough to see where he'd come from. He had a vicious grin on his face.

Although Ellie didn't trust her voice, she was able to say, "If you come closer or touch me, I'll kill you!"

The killer laughed at her. "Oh, really? I don't think so, blondie. We're all alone out here, nobody will hear your screams and so far, it doesn't seem as if anybody's looking for you," he smirked. "We're going to have a lot of fun together."

Suddenly he came closer and attacked her. He slapped Ellie in the face and kicked her in the ribs. They struggled; he was a lot stronger than her but she managed to kick him in the balls and scratch his face. But all of a sudden she felt a harsh pain in her upper arm and then he swung a fist in her face.

Her sight became blurry and although she tried to fight back her head was spinning like hell and she had to surrender. Holding her hands up to cover her face so he wouldn't kick her again, Ellie sat down on the cold ground. She closed her eyes and eventually dropped off to sleep. Before she fainted Ellie thought, "What the hell did he inject me?"


Only minutes after Torres had called Gibbs to tell him Ellie got kidnapped he had started to lock the bar down. Ever since the NCIS team had joined him, McGee and Torres had begun to interrogate the customers. So far they had no new evidence; nobody seemed to have noticed anything out of the ordinary.

The guy Nick currently spoke to got on his nerves. "So I saw that hot chick at the bar; skinny, blonde and hot as hell..." Nick couldn't stand that douchebag, Brian Connors.

Torres interrupted him, "Come on. Let's focus on the important part. Please answer my question, Mr. Connors." Nick tried really hard to stay calm.

"Well I saw that chick at the bar, went over to talk to her and began to try my moves on her. Ya know all the ladies fall for that: Prince Charming who anticipates them every wish. They love it. One hour tops and they beg me to take 'em home with me." The witness grinned mischievously, looking at Nick as if they'd just shared a big secret and were buddies now.

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