Chapter 7

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Maddie's remark caused Josh some concern, what could there possibly be to discuss? Despite his hesitation, Josh waited patiently to hear what Madison had to say to him.

"My mother and father, they passed away a while ago. Tyler takes care of us now or at least he does his best to." She explains, her gaze holding Josh's as if she wanted to take in every detail of his reaction. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Josh tells her sincerely. 

"I appreciate it." 

He was stunned, Tyler took care of two children by himself even though he was still so young as well?  Josh didn't see how he could manage it, but they all appeared to be well looked after, so Tyler was doing it somehow. Is that why people thought he was practicing witchcraft? Because he found a way to keep his family alive without his parents?

As soon as Lucy was done with her bottle, Josh was led into the house. An unfamiliar smell filled Josh's nose and he could hear hissing coming from the kitchen. Before he could go look at what was being made Jay came bounding towards the front door with a grin on his face.

"Hi Josh!" He greeted cheerfully as he motioned him into the dining room. "Tyler and Zack are making us all fish."

Josh was able to catch a glimpse into the kitchen finding Tyler and a boy with black hair that Josh assumes is Zack working over a casket iron stove. The open window allowed the smoke to escape as the sun cascaded down on Tyler's features, giving him a golden look.

"Put a small bit of the chilies in too." Zack instructs Tyler as he moves the pan around over the flame.

Tyler nodded as he tossed in some of the small red chilies and then licked at his fingertips remarking, "They're slightly sweet."

"Come on Josh, you can sit over here." Maddie calls after him with a tiny smile tugging at her lips.

Josh then realized that he had been watching Tyler for what would be considered too long to be appropriate. He hurried after Maddie, taking a seat in the chair she had pulled out for him. He thanked her as she took a seat beside him while Jay took the other. Josh listened to Jay happily chatter until Tyler and Zack carried in the food. They had made mashed potatoes, fried squash, and the seasoned fish. Josh's mouth watered over the wonderful smell that wafted into the room as they placed the dishes on the table. 

Josh couldn't help stealing glances over at Tyler, baffled over the fact that this teenage boy was somehow managing to shoulder such a heavy burden. Tyler's guarded behavior made so much more sense to him now, he was trying to keep what little family he had left together. 

He was puzzled when no one else moved to bow their head in prayer after the food was served. He glanced around the table at the rest of the family, wondering what was happening.

Even Jay was confused, but not for the same reasons. "What is Josh doing?"

"He's saying grace." Zack explained and then added, "We should join him."

Tyler nodded in agreement with an odd little smile before dipping his head down, causing his siblings to follow suit. The prayer was silent, unlike what Josh was used to at his family's table. He didn't remark on it, out of fear of being rude. He picked his head back up when he was done, gazing around as the other's heads rose once more. 

"Are we allowed to eat now?" Jay asked in a whisper to Josh.

Josh nodded as he smiled softly, even though on the inside he was still puzzled over the fact that Jay and the others clearly didn't make saying grace a normal part of their routine. A part of Josh burned to question why that was, but he held his tongue. He didn't want to risk Tyler finding out what he was really supposed to be doing here. The grace issue was an odd one, but that didn't immediately mean that they practiced witchcraft.

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