B*Witched - Rev It Up

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Hurry up we're all ready 

And all you need to bring is yourself 

Gonna go slow take it steady 

Cause there's no room for nobody else 

Sun is high, sky is blue 

It's so bright, we're just waitin for you [X2]

(We know what you're doin) 

We know what to do 

Rev it up I said 

(Don't waste time) 

We know where we're goin 

(It's alright) 

Rev it up no lead 

(the coast line) 

Where the wind is blowin 

(It's so fine) 

We'll have fun we'll be spashin 

Lazin on the sand by the sea 

So son't worry bout the fashion 

You can wear your blue dungarees 

Sun is high, sky is blue 

It's so bright, we're just waitin for you [X2]

(We know what you're doin) 

We know what to do

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