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 Today millions upon tons of children are being stripped from there family's without there permission. This has been happening since 2998 until today in 3487. The "Picking" us kids call it we call it terror but the UDFW of district 19 calls it an honor. The UDFW stand for the United Districts of the Fallen World. At this point I wouldn't even call it a "world". But the "Picking" is today. Sadly I have been stripped from my Family along with 100 others kids. 100 kids from each district, 100 districts 100 kids from each. Here we go.

            They took me along with the rest of kids into a UDFW truck taking us to the famous UDFW camp site for training teens for war. They don't care about us. No one does. The president would always tell us that the nuke barrier won't shatter but coming from my father, or someone who actually works there would say other ways and besides they've been training teens like us for almost over 500 years. We've finely arrived our destination and was met by not so happy faces.The driver told us that the man on the right was general Chan and the women on the left was Chief Johnson.

"Welcome to hell scrubs! You will be put into the most painful and crippling training both mental and physical, So get that noose ready. If you don't die in there then the war definitely will! Without further notice I will be your Physical trainer." Chief Johnson said with a straight face that could scare Satan himself.

          "And I am General Chan, veteran, father, and killer of 300 men. I will be your mental trainer. Lieutenant! Take them to there barracks!" We walked down LED lit hallways looking through windows showing guns, planes, and trainers that look like they would rather die a million times then train.

    "And Here are your dorms." The Tall pale man said over the mubling.

"Boys or girls?" One of the taller more cocky looking  asked.

"Both! And don't get any ideas of losing your virginity cause if you do, WE WILL SHOOT STRAIGHT INTO THE NUKE SHIELD!!!So stay virgins! ta tah loosers."

"um uh well do we, pick beds?" I asked shyly.

"If you want to sleep." The tall cocky one said."Besides what even is your name?"

"um uh Jamie Visinoth ." I said awkwardly.

"Hey im Chase jordan, Nice to meat you" He said with a smile

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