Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I stared at the blue and white crop top and blue skirt hanging on a rack. I took a deep breath and picked up a piece of my hair. It was the ugliest shade of brown I have ever seen. I put it in my mouth and chewed away. I only do this when I'm nervous and right now my palms are sweating a puddle beside me.

"Clarabelle Dawson. You're up next." Called the announcer. I strutted to the center of the gym with as much confidence as I could muster. This was my chance, it was my chance to be one of those cheerleaders. The ones with guys drooling after them. The ones that were treated like royalty. It was my shot to be one of them and I can't blow it.

"5-6-7-8!" I shouted as loud as I could. I performed my cartwheel, straddle jumps, leaps, and handstand flawlessly. As my routine was coming to an end. I figured I needed something more difficult to impress the judges. I geared up for a back handspring. I took off and it was as if the whole world stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at me with eyes wide and jaws dropping. I had I feeling I had this routine in the bag. I reached my hands for the floor..."BAM!" I fell. HARD. I winced as I felt my head throbbing in pain. As my vision came back into focus, I noticed THEM. The Angels. That's what we call Mackenzie Chapman, Kristy Triana, and Ally Johnson. The 3 most popular girls in school. Probably also the most popular girls in the country.

The Angels were laughing and pointing at me. The pain in my head was no match for the pain in my heart. Those Angels have power. Star power. And their power was stronger than any bang on the head. Their judgements were crucial. And judging by their actions, I didn't have a chance at making the team.

"OK everyone. Now that everyone has tried out, we will be posting the results on the school website at around 6pm." The coach announced.

Three hours until the confirmation of my failure. I sighed. I just don't have the potential to be a cheerleader. Much less an angel. One day though, hopefully soon, I will show them that I am the best! I will take them down! I admit, I a jealous loser. Thats right, I'm jealous of the Angels and the cheerleaders. They have everything and all I have is the reputation of an eighth grade sience geek.

I called my mom from the old payphone by the school. Yup! You can laugh but I am almost in high school, but I still don't have a cell phone. My family is tight on money since my dad lost his job last month.

"Hello?" My mom answered on the second ring.

"Hi mom, I'm done with the tryouts. I think I did terrible. Can you come pick me up?" I said glancing over my shoulder to see if anyone can see me using this old payphone.

"I'm sorry to heaar that Clara Bear. But I can't pick you up today. Your father and I just got a call for a job interview. I'm afraid you'll have to walk home today.

"Fine. Bye." I replied and hung up. I trudged along the winter snow. Five more blocks until my house. I looked down at my feet and started to count the number of steps I took. 1-2-3...36-37-38...90-91-whoa! I bent down to take a closer look at the gold shimmering object peeking through the snow. I slung my worn out backpack into the snow. And started to use my bare hands to shovel the snow to the side. I pulled on supposedly the handle of the object. I pulled with all my might and when I was about to give up, it broke loose from the snow and I fell backwards. I scrambled back up to see the mysterious object.

Whoa! It was so pretty! I polished the object with my hand and studied it a little more. It can't be! It was a genie lamp! No way! I flung my backpack on my shoulders and raced home at top speed. I hope there's a genie inside! But even if there isn't, I could sell it for some money and but a cell phone! I was excited! This could be the best day of my life! When I arrived at my little apartment complex, I dung in my bag for the key. I jammed the key into the keyhole and excitedly barged into the living room. I dropped my bag onto the floor and raced upstairs. I was going to find out what treasures I'd found.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2012 ⏰

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