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Once Newt and I had reached the Homestead, he opened the door for me. "Ladies first." I rolled my eyes at him. "I got no time for your crap Newt, there's food to be eaten!" With that, I ran inside, but stopped suddenly. "You don't know where to go, do you?" Newt asked with a smirk. "Shut up, I'll be perfectly... fine?" I said that last word as more of a question because I couldn't see anything that looked even remotely like a kitchen. Newt chuckled behind me and steered me over to the food. "Oh, food! How I've missed you!" I exclaimed dramatically before piling up a plate with different meats. "Looks like you got a wolf's diet too," observed Newt, looking at my plate. We strolled over to a table, but as I passed I heard someone talking next to me. "She's a freak! She should be banished!"
"Gally, calm down. She hasn't even been here a day!" The kid "Gally" was very tall and strong with the eyebrows of Satan himself. He seemed to be talking to Alby about me. "You!" Gally said, pointing at me. "Are a monster! A freak! We should kill you!" Whoa, this guy's insane. I couldn't help the tears that started falling. I dropped my plate and I ran to the Deadheads.

I didn't stop running until I was in roughly the middle of the forest. I climbed swiftly up a tree and was surprised by how easy it was. I slowly let the tears flow. I don't even know why I was crying, I didn't even know who that guy was until five minutes ago. "Wolf? Wolf!" That must be Newt. He's the only one that knows my name. "Wolf! There you are! I've been looking everywhere!" Huh, must have been a little longer than five minutes. "Look, I know what Gally said was extremely rude and that shank is lucky he won't be thrown in the Slammer tonight." I laughed a little and Newt smiled at me. "There's always the bonfire tonight, do you still wanna go? I could introduce you to a few people." He offered and I pondered over it for a bit. If I go, Gally might be there. He won't do anything though, I'll make sure of that. I thought confidently, before answering, "You know what? Sure. That bitch can kiss my ass!" I jumped down from the tree and landed next to Newt. "We goin' now?"
"Yep!" And with that, we were off. I hope this goes well. I'm really not in the mood for murder tonight. Oh, who am I kidding here? I'm always up for some murder. My thoughts were cut off by Newt saying, "Don't let anyone here bother you, you're not a freak. I know that much. We don't know why you have wolf body parts, but it doesn't matter. Please don't think that those slintheads are right. Ever." I swore two things at that moment. 1. I was never going to let a single tear fall as long as I was in the Glade. 2. I was going to make Gally pay for what he said. Big time. I smiled warmly at Newt. "Thanks, Newt. I appreciate it."

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