Hosu City

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 "Shh, it's alright," the villain said. "You're doing beautifully and I'm so proud of you. But that's enough now. It was cruel of them to make you fight me - you could never have won. It's not your fault."


"Hero is a title reserved for those who perform truly great feats! Too many are undeserving... Just money worshipers playing hero! Until this society wakes up and rectifies itself... I will continue to do my work." 

"Both this sham-filled society... and the criminals who wield their power in the name of petty mischief... are targets of my purge... All for the sake of a better society..."


Your POV

I woke up, like any other normal day. I turned on the tv to the news, I saw that the hero killer had struck again.. Ugh... 

I make my way over to the fridge, open it to reveal that I need to go shopping. I put on my non prescription round glasses and walk over to the front door. I slip on my (f/c) high tops and walk outside, the sun was shining through the fluffy and bright clouds.

I began walking towards the store. As I got closer, I felt eyes watching me. There was quite a few people in the area, but it felt as if someone was on a building watching me.

I felt this way until I finally made it to the store. I bought the necessities, such as milk, bread, eggs, chips, soda, and some baked goods (oh and ramen!). 

I began walking home, and it seemed as if it was about to pour. Shit.... 

I had forgot an umbrella. It started sprinkling, and I tried to take a shortcut through an alley way. 

Bad idea.

I was getting scared. 

A few minutes ago, the streets were filled with people.. And now; no one to be seen.

A felt a set of eyes watching me like earlier. I started speed walking, then jogging, and now sprinting out of the alley.

I made it home, but I was terrified of what happened.


Hope you enjoy!

First chapter done!

Stain X Hero! Reader )BNHA(Where stories live. Discover now