The Secret

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"Cirdan, where are you?"

I perked up at the sound of my twin brother's voice. We were in an intense game of hide-and-seek, well, as intense as two four year olds could get. He made his way down the carpeted steps. I darted around, looking for a possible hiding place. The den was empty, so I rushed under our dad's desk. I crouched down low, hoping my brother did not find me for the tenth time. Footsteps were heading to the den. I covered my mouth with my hand, holding in my stifled giggles.

"But Dad, this can't be."

"Ella, listen to me, please."

"My kids are too young to know these things!"

"Look, where's Edric? He needs to know this."

"He's at the Training Center. Edric has no idea about this matter."

"He's a Nature, Ella. This is about his clan."

"He doesn't know about our bloodline. I never told him about our special orders."

"Edric needs to know that one of his k-"

"Shush! You can't speak about this so openly. You don't know what could be listening around us. We can't be too sure."

"Mom, Grandpa, is Cirdan here?"

I heard my brother walk in. I tried to keep still and quiet.

"No Darren, did you check his room?"

"Yeah, I searched through the whole house already."

"Go check around the tree house, dear. He might be outside."

Darren ran out of the den. I felt cramped under the desk, but Mom would get mad if she found out I was here. Grandpa sighed loudly. I wondered what he was worried about. Mom started pacing from what I could see from my spot under the desk.

"My time to take up my place is soon, Ella."

"You can't know that, Dad," Mom said thickly.

"Honey, don't cry, please. I know it is near. The Shadows are getting stronger."

I wished I could understand what they were talking about.

"I know Dad, but I just wish it wasn't this sudden."

"Is that really what's worrying you, Ella?"

"Not entirely Dad, why am I the one next in line?"

"I wish I could answer that, dear, but it is what is destined."

Mom sighed and took a few deep breaths.

"I know. Are you staying for dinner?"

"I don't think so. I have to meet with the Clan Leaders in Chestnut Rivers."

"Right, well, I'll show you out."

I slowly got out when I felt the coast was clear.

"Cirdan, there you are! I gave up looking for you. Let's think of something else to play."

I nodded and we ran off. From that day, I never got the chance to ask Mom or Grandpa about that. Ten years later, I still had no idea what they were talking about that day. My grandfather died before our fifth birthday.

I found myself staring at the ceiling for a couple of seconds as my eyes adjusted to the intruding morning light. It was a Monday morning and my first day of being a high school sophomore. I turned off my blaring alarm and the ringing finally stopped.

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