Chapter One: Dirty Boots and Pressed Pants

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It had been months since everything had... Happened. With Donnie's family. With his classmates. With Derek. Maybe a year? More. Year and a half? Maybe more than that, even.

As promised, the last few months of Donnie's high school career was spent away from home, away from everything and everyone he loved. To be honest, Brookview academy wasn't all that bad. It was a nice place. It had to be, if Donnie's father had gone there. He wouldn't have gone to some sketchy hole in the wall. No, this place was well kept, with rolling green lawns, landscaping to the nines and beautiful plant and animal life as far as the eye could see. Beautiful buildings with bright, clean paint and modern touches. In fact, it kind of looked like a fancy summer camp.

Except for the fact that there were tracks. And obstacle courses. And drills. And general military training. That part of this experience was... Awful. Donnie was a fit guy and he had still gone to bed tired and aching. And on top of that, they had classes, too. And those classes were no joke. The teachers were amazing of course, but the classes were so labor intensive and involved, not only did Donnie's body ache at the end of the day, but his mind did, as well. It really wore a guy down.

The only thing that kept him going was Derek. That soft hair, those mischeif filled eyes, that lop-sided grin... Those rough hands, that delicious body... And of course, his shining personality. Thoughts of Derek were all that kept Donnie going. And that was enough. Just knowing that, one day, he'd be out of school and out of his parents' lives forever, and he would find Derek and they could be happy.

These thoughts and ideas and plans got Donnie through high school. They got him through the multiple, greuling summer camps he attended, and now, they were getting him through college.

It was Donnie's first year at Westchester. It was almost identical to high school, except the professors and drill sergeants were ten times more strict, and, for lack of a better word... Ruthless. Westchester, as prestegious as it was, was hard to survive.

Good thing Donnie was already pretty much used to this pain and suffering.

An alam went off. It was close to Donnie's head. Then outside, he could hear the bugels going off. It was barely light out. Every morning, the same damn thing. Alarm, God awful bugels, and having to get up at the crack of dawn.

Donnie slowly rose to a sitting position, the sheets slowly falling away, revealing a bare chest. Groaning quietly, the male slammed a hand down onto the top of the alarm, causing it to spit, gurgle, and then calm to quiet. The male threw his sheets off and he swung his feet over the edge of the bed. He looked down at his flannel pajama pants. White, with thin vertical stripes. Blue stripes. Light blue.

"Hey, Fitch, c'mon, man, don't fall back to sleep. You do that and you'll be running drills late into the night." His roommate was already awake. In fact, he had just gotten out of the shower. He was almost ready for class while the rest of the school was just waking up! Donnie snorted to himself, his eyes slowly moving up his built roommate's body. Once their eyes met, they were glued. "Shut it, man, I'm not in the mood." His roommate, Seth, gave a dry chuckle. "None of us are, you just gotta get used to it. Or at least, pretend to be. Might make things easier."

Donnie knew what Seth was talking about. No one wanted to be here. Or, the majority of people didn't want to be. Most of the guys here were put here for something they had done. Some were party kids, some were bums, some were stoners, some were rich kids that had shit parents, and some were rich kids that wanted to make their parents happy. And then there were some like Donnie. Who were (most likely) gay. They were found out, one way or another, and were shipped off to this school to be molded into something society was more accustomed to. This school would try it's damnedest to work the gay out of its students, but really, when did that ever work?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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