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Today 1:30 am

thanks for walking me home

jungwoo bit his lip as he stared at his phone, waiting for a response

no problem!

maybe next time it won't be so late and we can actually do something

yeah, that would be nice

not that tonight wasn't nice, tonight was nice i really enjoyed walking you home

jungwoo let out a chuckle, that turned into a small smile that remained present on his face

you're too cute haha

i'd love to stay up and chat, but as an adult i must be responsible and go to bed so i can make it to work on time

goodnight, lucas

goodnight, jungwoo!

lucas smiled contently at his phone as he shut it off and rolled over in bed

he said i'm cute

he pulled the sheets over his head and kicked his feet in the air like a love sick teenage girl before letting sleep sweep him away to dreams of the other boy.

morning rolled around and lucas woke up feeling better than he'd ever felt before. he felt...happy.

he wasn't sure if it's cause he got a whole 5 hours of sleep or if it's cause of a certain caramel haired boy. either way he was in a good mood

hey lucas

so i was thinking

would you maybe want to grab something to eat with me after school?

lucas felt his heart leap out of his chest, do a dance break, then hop back in. was jungwoo....asking him on a date? or simply just asking him to grab a bite to eat. whichever it was, he didn't care. he just wanted to actually spend time with him, not outside of the club.

i'd love to! :)

and with that, lucas spent his whole day in a daze. which his friends took notice to

"what's up with lucas?" kun asked, taking a seat next to ten, who was grinning ear to ear "supposedly, jungwoo asked him to grab something to eat after school" kun felt his heart skip a beat "oh?" he glanced over at his best friend, who was smiling like an idiot at his phone

"what's with the face?" ten asked, watching kuns expression pull a complete 180 "what face?" he smiled, hoping ten didn't catch on

all of lunch consisted of lucas acting like a fool and everyone else teasing him. and kun acting like a complete pouty baby.

"could you stop smiling for like 5 seconds?" sicheng teased as they all walked down the halls of the school "oh leave him alone.....he's just ~in love~" ten teased "come on guys..leave me alone for real, i've waited forever for this" lucas defended himself "i can't believe you're letting them tease me like this" lucas pouted to kun, who wasn't even paying attention at all

lucas noticed his best friend had been acting weird ever since lunch and was growing concerned "hey, are you okay?" lucas' attitude flipped like a switch, from goofy to serious "me?" kun asked "oh yeah, totally. i'm just super tired" he shot lucas a not-so-convincing smile. lucas raised an eyebrow as he watch kun and the rest of his friends walk away.

something was up and it was bothering lucas.


"guys, what do i do? i'm nervous as shit" lucas bit his lip nervously "what if i make a fool of myself?" "you already have" ten poked "no seriously!" lucas was on the verge of a mental breakdown. he was completely and utterly crushed with anxiety

"just be yourself, anyone would have to be an idiot to not like you" kun stated, not even looking up from his phone (that he wasn't even actually looking at). everyone but lucas seemed to pick up the underlying emotions to kuns statement

"shit there he is" lucas turned to his back toward jungwoo "please please let me do well" lucas mumbled to himself

"hey," jungwoo greeted, confidently "hey" lucas shyly smiled "i'll see you guys later" lucas quickly walked away, hoping to avoid any teasing from his friends

"so..uh..what kind of food do you like?" jungwoo broke the silence "i'll eat anything! you have anything in mind?" jungwoo thought about it for a second "i know a good place to get udon" lucas smiled, not really caring what they ate, as long as he got to spend time with jungwoo

jungwoo led them to a tent, that happened to be rather close to where he works "it's nothing fancy..." he blushed slightly, hoping lucas wasn't expecting anything fancy "no this is fine! anywhere is fine" he shot jungwoo an assuring smile

the two bonded over udon and talked about almost everything that came to mind. it wasn't awkward at all, as lucas thought it would be. he thought it would just be them eating in silence, making small comments here and there. luckily, that was not the case.

"ah~ i'm so full" lucas stretched his arms above his ahead, twisting his back to pop it "that was probably the best udon i've ever had" a satisfied smile spread across jungwoos lips "i'm glad you liked it" silence fell over the two as they stood there staring at each other.

lucas couldn't believe how stunning jungwoo was. everything about him was just perfect in his eyes.

"so," lucas cleared his throat "do you like games?" jungwoo shrugged "kind of, yeah" lucas smiled "i've got a lot of money that's screaming to be spent"

and with that, the two continued their '' date '' at lucas' favorite arcade.

they started out playing one of those racing games, where jungwoo won and lucas pouted over it and demanded a rematch, where he lost again

"you really don't like losing, huh?" jungwoo chuckled, earning a glare from lucas "it's not that, i just...am usually the one winning amongst my friends" he rubbed the nape of his neck. from the corner of his eye, he sees his favorite game. DDR.

lucas smirked, turning to jungwoo "you may be the best in the club, but let's see if you can be the DDR king" he interlocked their hands a drug jungwoo to the colorful game.

"oh you're on"

and with that, the ultimate dance battle broke out. that went on for 30 minutes and cost lucas $15.

and it was in that moment. the moment where he looked over at jungwoo. where their eyes met and lucas felt a spark in his heart. where jungwoo flashed him that beautiful smile before turning back to face the screen.

that was the moment lucas knew he was in trouble.

he knew that he was falling for jungwoo and there was no turning back.


this is so bad omg ahhdsi i'm so sorry huhu i've got writers block as FUCK but i'm trying my best ㅠㅠ tell me what you think please. constructively criticize me. please i beg. as always, i hope y'all enjoy. feedback is always appreciated.

eros ; luwooحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن