Chapter 2 A "Happy" New Year

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A few months later and it the stroke of midnight of new years day. I'm at my going away party though not everyone understood why I am going to L.A. and for almost a whole month. But everyone was wishing me good luck. Party was full of friends from church few of whom knew I'm Bi. Not that I am hiding it still. Just who all really needs to know anythong about your sex life. Or lack of a sex life. 

But my three closest friends knew why I was going. Leah would roll her eyes at me anytime I talked about it. But she was like tha,t always right to keep me in line. Melisa was concerned but supportive. That is what made her great to talk things out with. She would ask questions and that helped me find my answers as much as hers. And Alder was just good at listen to me talk on and on about what a great trip this would be no matter what happened. Alder wasn't her real name it was her last name but I loved calling her that, expecially with a british accent. I always feel like she was the most understanding of all my friends. I loved that about her. She never made my wonder if she was judging me. She just rolled with it.

Alder walked up to me noticing that I was zoning out, a good sign I was deep in thought or at times worried. "How's it going there? Are you getting nervious about you drive out in the morning?" She looked right in my eyes when she said it. I think she was worried for me.

"I'm fine" I said with a smile. I couldn't help it. I did it everytime I thought about Hannah. And it seems Alder knew that fact, because next she elbowed me and said, "because your go to find your love." She said it in that playful she always used when she was kidding around with me.

I blushed and said yes. Alder laughed. I think she was excited for me.

Jan 2nd

I finally got there my hotel. This is where I might met Hannah Hart. I flop on the bed noting it's softness hugging. Well at least I love this bed. And the kitchen is big enough to do those Cooking with Pot video for my youtube channel I've been wanting to do. A cooking show with crook pot meals. Like My Drunk Kitchen by sober since I don't really drink. I keep hope that won't be a deal breaker for Hannah.

 The sun light hits me eyes and I roll over to sleep some more as I would do at home. But I suddenly remember I'm not home. Well not in Oklahoma... I'm in L.A. California! Hannag Hart is somewhere out there. Life is out there and love maybe out there. I spring from the bed and all I can think is Chado. CHADO! Chado!!!! I have to see it. I have to go there. I have never showered so fast. Humming Saw Where Your Nams At, the whole time to set the pace.  And run lines from my Hitting on Harto video on my youtube channel.

Before I know what I am doing I am getting out of my car at Chado. Which is fine I was needing food. I look at the shops menu. Seems their not really a breakfast thing. Okay. I'll get some chocolate cake for breakfast and go check out that garden they have here. It looked beautiful in the photos on the website.

I grabbed my cake and walked into the patio area where the mini waterfalls and garden are. They are just as beautiful as I remembered from the photo. I sat there enjoying the sight as someone walked into the patio area. They seemed a little short about 5 foot 3 inches dress in a white v-neck tee and gray sweat pants with of all things the cute tudos strip down the side. They were carrying a stray full of fruit so I hadn't seen they face yet because they pulled the door open with their back. I could not just sit there watching someone fight with the door and their food. So like the genteal lady I am, I got up and run to the door to hold it open for them.

As they turned to thank me for the help, I saw it. Their face. The person I was helping was Hannah....Hannah effing Hart. Right there in front of me. And I was holding her door open. My guess worked it really worked. I am still asleep. This is a dream like the one time I say her name like a million time before to make my dream about her. And managed to have a drema about kissing her in Grace Helbig's apartment. Yep this is a dream.... a dream come true.

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