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I looked over the clear pool water, trying to regulate my shallow breaths. I was deathly afraid, I'd always been, but I wasn't giving up. My palms were shaking and I busied them by pushing my long brown hair out of my eyes, I breathed in and out, trying to avoid the few confused looks I'd attracted with my nervous breakdown. Recollecting my thoughts and focusing once again on the water in front of me, I poised my foot, daring myself to touch my toes to the water. I couldn't have been but an inch off the surface, but in one violent moment, all my breath caught in my throat and I frantically stumbled backwards to avoid the pool and all its horror. I was expecting the horrible pain that came with falling backwards onto hot cement when my body hit something that was both sturdy and smooth and arms swooped underneath my own to catch my fall.

I gasped in surprise and grabbed at the hands that were hooked underneath my armpits, so incredibly thankful to have them there. It must've been a miracle that this stranger had been walking past when they saw me stumble. I could see myself in my head, my skull smashing against the poolside, my limp body sliding right into the pool water only to sink to the bottom. I shuddered at the image and finally craned my head around my shoulder to see a strong bicep, tanned skin and the MMXII tattoo that I had gotten very used to admiring from afar. The lifeguard had caught me. Suddenly, I felt breathless all over again. This wasn't just any lifeguard, it was the kiwi. The drop dead gorgeous, tanned and toned, Calum Hood.

My family had dragged me to the country club every single day of summer and each one I'd spent lusting over the lifeguard. Never had I spoken to him, never had I touched him, never had he looked at me. Until now.

"You 'kay?" I could feel the vibration of his words with my head against his chest. In that moment, I didn't think I was okay. Slowly, I steadied myself. I held onto his hands and let him pull me into a standing position, letting me go only once he was certain that I wasn't just going to fall right back down. My face was hot, but I didn't know if it was from Calum or the embarrassment or a little bit of both. When I was able to get in a deep breath, I turned to face him and nodded mutely.

"I've seen you around here a lot, why don't you ever get in the pool?" I was shocked at his question, shocked that he would ever pay someone like me any mind at all. I was certain that he'd never noticed me, certain he didn't even know I existed.

"If I swim, I'll drown."

"No, you have it turned around. If you don't swim, you'll drown."

And before I could catch the falling words, I whispered, "Teach me."


~ nicole ~

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