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I just got accepted to Hollywood Arts. My I.A. Todd would be joining me for the next three years so that'll be awesome. I missed him since he got fired from being my I.A. for reasons unknown. I drove my rampvan to school. I turned on my PearChair and took out the keys. I turned on my PearTablet and tapped the PearCar app. I tapped the 'open back door' button and the back of my car opened. I drove my PearChair out of it and tapped 'close back door'. The back of my car closed and Todd came up to me. He was 49 and he was wearing the black coat he always wears. "Hey, Mariah, ready to start this school year?" He asked. I opened the PearSpeech app.

"Am I ever ready?" I typed and the headband on my head said it.

"Of course you are. You have me instead of that noob, Jessica," he replied.

"True. C'mon, we have 365 days ahead of us," I smiled. Him and I walked into the school. We were greeted by the student councilor, Lane.

"Hi, guys. The ramp, we ordered, is currently in my office. Come with me," he said, walking away. We followed him to his office. He grabbed the box under his hammock and sat it on his desk. He started opening it. "So, I have assigned a student to show you around. Her name's Jade,"

"Is she nice?" I asked.

"...yeah," he replied in an unconvincing tone.


Todd, Lane, and I were in the main hall of Hollywood Arts. "Jade, this is Mariah. This is Jade. She'll be the guide for you today," Lane said.

"Hi," Jade fake smiled. "And who's the old guy?"

"I'm Todd," he replied.

"Yeah, whatever," she replied. I stared at her. She was the most beautiful girl I ever seen. She had beautiful brown hair, she had black makeup around her eyes, and she had big...

"Hi, I'm Cat!" A redheaded girl, said.

"Hi Cat. I'm Mariah," I replied.

"She looks like a boy!" A puppet said.

"Rex!" The boy who was holding the puppet said. I stared in confusion.

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