I'll Never Let Go

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This is a story about MunchingBrotato and Kkcomics. If you do not know who those two individuals are, I suggest that you do not read this.

(The ship name is Kyler. Don't judge!)

For all those who don't know the real names of these people, MunchingBrotato is Tyler, and Kkcomics is Kyle. I hope you enjoy.


As Kyle hung on for dear life, he wondered if this would be the end of it. The end of his life. He had lost his balance. He didn't intend for it to end this way.

Kyle tried his best to climb back onto the cliff and to safety, but simply couldn't. He had no choice but to think that this would be the last day of his life.

His pink hair blew in the wind soothingly, as if trying to calm him. He wasn't reacting normal on the outside - he looked expressionless. This was because he was panicking deep down.

He began to have flashbacks of his life. All the good times with his friends. Kyle couldn't believe this was all going to end now.All he could do at this moment was wait in silence as he hung on for dear life.

Kyle would've called out for some help, but there was nobody around to yell for. He glanced downwards, reminding him what was awaiting him at the bottom. A clear liquid crashed into the cliff, but it was illusionary, as it didn't look clear but blue.

Kyle was slowly beginning to slip. He was grasping the ground as deep as he could. He looked up at the sky. A deep blue. The world was trying to soothe him. It looked like it had worked, but it obviously hadn't.

Why was his environment trying to soothe him? He was about to die for goodness sake! Anger dwelled deep inside. Nothing was good about death. Nothing.

He slipped a little further downwards. His fingers curled, and dug into the deep ground. Kyle could feel the dirt get into his fingernails. He was about to fall to his doom. And he couldn't avoid it.

As the panic slowly began to show on the outside, he began to hyperventilate. He inhaled the flavour of salt from the ocean beneath him, reminding him of his terrible fate. Why was he holding on if death was unavoidable? He may as well have just got it over and done with.

Before he did, he remember all of his friend. Adam, Preston, Dekota, Jason, Jordan, Quentin, Seth and Noah. But there was one person he really enjoyed the company of. The name that haunted him. It was almost unimaginable to not be able to say goodbye and be without him.


Tears began to swell up in his eyes. He couldn't hold it in. "Tyler! If you can hear me, these are my final words." He cried. "Tell everyone that this death was not my fault and not intended. Tell my friends I'll miss them as much as they miss me. And, Tyler..."

"...I love you..." He whispered.

Right at that moment, he let go, ready to plummet into the depths of the ocean. He had never been taught to swim, and there was no way he could have survived.

He appeared to hang in the air for a while. Kyle knew well that the cliff was not all that tall, but it wasn't that short. Something was wrong.

He delicately opened his eyes. Someone had gripped his hand. He glanced at the arm. Rather pale, he noted.

"And I love you too." The figure said.

Kyle glanced upwards. The guy who had saved his life had red hair, freckles, and thick black glasses. This was the man he loved.


"Never let go." Kyle whimpered, about to burst into tears.

Tyler awaited for Kyle to start bursting into tears. When he did, Tyler smiled lovingly and said. "I'll never let go, I'll never let go Kyle."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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