chapter five

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"Erin?" I shout, letting go of Richie and whirling around to face her. She's in a cherry-red convertible with the top up. She's leaning out the passenger-side window.

"Out for a late-night hookup?" She asks. Her glossed lips twist into a smirk. God, I'd like to slap the lipgloss off her all the way to fucking Italy.

"No, but aren't you?" I spit back at her. I peer at the person driving the car, Brad Weinstein, that guy she screwed over summer break.

Erins face warps. "You're a whore, Spencer. Gonna blow that piece of trash right out in the open? Maybe on a tree stump?"

"You're a real bitch Erin, you know that?" yells Richie.

"Fuck off, Trash" she shrieks. He's literally about to charge her when I grab his arm.

"She's awful I know, but you really don't need to waste any sort of energy on someone like her." I whisper. He inhales sharply, about to protest, then meets my eyes and exhales. He nods and we walk off.

"See you Shitmarks at school!" she taunts as we leave. I give her the finger over my shoulder.

"Pig-faced, cum-sucking condescending wh..."

"Richie." I warn. He looks over at me, hellfire burning through his mind, it shows on his face. His mouth quickly closes.

"I'm sorry." he says.

"I know. Me too." I say.

He looks surprised. "For what?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say, and shiver. Richie checks his watch.

"It's past four." He mumbles.

"Oh shit."

He straddles the seat of his bike and tilts his head. "Getting on?"

I nod slowly but stay where I am. He gets off his bike and steps towards me. The orange glow of a streetlamp illuminates the features of his face. He's beautiful. We stand and look at each other for a moment then he leans in and his lips brush mine. They're soft and taste of lingering tobacco. The kiss deepens and his hands are on my waist, then lower. Mine are in his hair. It feels amazing, sparks fly from our mouths. I pull away gently and his lips follow mine, seeking more. This makes me smile.

"I'm taking you home now." he whispers.

"Okay." I whisper back. We climb on his bike and I clutch him like a lifeline.

"Goodnight Vernon." he says as I silently head in the door. It's the first time he's ever called me by my last name; and I like it.

"Night Tozier." I say back. He smiles and pushes off on his bike and I watch him peddle away. Seeing his figure only when he rides through the pool of light beneath the glowing streetlamps.

I wake up at 6:45 am. Damn it. I got almost no sleep. I stumble to my bathroom and step into the shower. It's hot and the steam makes me even more drowsy. I turn and pull the knob to cold. The water gradually gets icy and soon I'm shivering. My lips are blue, but I'm awake. I clean myself as fast as possible and then wrap myself in three towels when I get out.

"Morning hon." says my dad as he rushes out the door when I come downstairs. He's almost never home except for weekends.

"Bye Dad." I say as he slips out the front door.

I make myself a toaster pastry as my mom comes downstairs in her robe. "Good morning Spencer." she says cheerfully.

"Morning Mom. How'd you sleep?" I ask her. Before she can even get out her answer I ask for coffee. A lot of it, and make it strong. She nods.

"You don't usually drink coffee."

"No I don't." I don't continue the conversation. I grab my pastry out of the toaster and head back upstairs to get dressed. As I pull on my clothes I run over last nights events in my head.

At school I see Richie waiting for me at my locker.

"Hey Baby." he says.

"Slick." I mutter as I get out my Science textbook.

"Wanna go out for dinner this evening?" he asks. He's nervous and it's cute.

"Course I do dummy." I say and smile. He smiles back, looks around and pulls me into a kiss. It's gentle and sweet.

"Richie? Spencer?" asks a voice. It's Bill. We look and find it's not only Bill but the whole Losers Club standing in front of us. They're all gawking.

"Hey guys." stumbles Richie. I blush. Suddenly Eddie turns and pushes a fistful of coins into Stans palm. "Told you guys." says Stan.

Richie and I look at each other and burst out laughing. So does the rest of the gang. Except Bill. Somethings eating at him. After the bell rings he pulls Richie into the boys room. I hang around the corner and listen. I know I shouldn't... but I do anyways.

"You're d-dating her?" says Bill.

"No shit Bill." replies Richie.

"Why? Why a-are you dating her?"

"Because I've been in love with her for over six years Bill. That's why. Got a problem?" presses Richie. I gasp a little bit. In love? That's quick for me, but he's only been admiring me from afar.

"Maybe I do h-have a p-p-problem R-Richie." stammers Bill.

"Why the hell would you have a problem?" Richies voice is getting louder and I'm worried it's going to draw attention from a teacher.

"She's replacing Beverly!" yells back Bill.


streetlamps | richie tozier Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora