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Antonio sat out in the tomato fields, inspecting a tomato. It was round and plump, perfectly ripe. He brushed a piece of dirt off with his thumb. The red tomato reminded him of Lovino, when he was younger and got angry. The happy thought made him chuckle. He eventually gave up in the picking and laid down in the field, gazing at the big puffy clouds in the sky.

"If only I could be as free as the clouds... Just to drift through the sky without a care in the world... That would be nice." He said to himself, putting his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and just thought of all the good things he had.

Antonio was enjoying a stressless nap, when his phone rang. Too tired to look at the caller I.D., he placed it to his ear, expecting his boss to yell at him. "Hola," he answered, half asleep.

"Toni! Oh, thank goodness you picked up! It's fratello! He just-" the voice on the other side blared. It was Italian, but not the Italian he knew best.

"Feliciano? What happened? Tell me everything, amigo!" He was now wide awake. Feliciano never called him. He always cried to Ludwig. He would only call if something were too...

"Toni, it's terrible! Fratello and I were eating some pizza, when he collapsed! I didn't know what to do! I called a medic person, but they haven't shown up yet!"

Antonio's eyes widened. "H-he just collapsed?! Tell me where you are! I'm coming!"

"We're at our home, please hurry!" Feliciano said, and the line went dead.

Antonio didn't skip a beat. He bolted to his car, practically willing it forward. He sped to the Vargas' home, hardly missing accidents. He was honked at consistently, but nothing was slowing him down. Tears of anxiousness were brimming at his eyes, but he shook them away. He soon saw their home, and he practically jumped out of the car. He ran up to the door, not even bothering to knock. He just ran in. No one was there.

"No me digas...*" he muttered. Had Feliciano lied to him? No, he wouldn't do that. Not to him. Or anybody. Then... where were they?

"Toni? You arrived a minute too late. The medic people just-a came, and took fratello. They wouldn't let me go with them. So I waited for you to get here." Feliciano said, with a wavering smile.

Antonio nodded, and ran out to his car, Feli trailing. They climbed into the car, and Antonio barely gave him the chance to close the door before he zoomed off.

"A-Antonio! Slow-a down, please?" he begged.

"What? Your brother could be dying, and you want me to slow down?" He snapped.

Feli was thrown off by his remark. "I-I'm s-sorry..."

Antonio let out a sigh. "Feliciano, tell me all of what happened, before he collapsed. What were you talking about?" He questioned, not turning his gaze from the road.

"Well, he told me he had seen Grandpa last night, in a dream. But that's all he told me." Feliciano replied, gazing at him with wide amber eyes. "Toni... I'm scared... for fratello..."

"I'm worried about Lovino too, I guess we both need to calm down, huh?" He asked, trying to relax. He didn't do very well.

Soon enough they pulled into the hospital, and they made their way to the E.R. as soon as they could. Antonio ran up to the woman behind the desk. "Excuse me, but is Lovino Vargas here?" He asked.

The woman nodded. "Yes, they're looking over him as we speak. What happened? Stroke?"

Feliciano shrugged. "I'm not sure, pretty lady, he just collapsed while we were eating lunch!"

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