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Harry's P.O.V.

We were all sitting in management’s office. Liam, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and I. Today was the day we’d be receiving a decision on our very sensible demand for the upcoming tour. In a matter of minutes we would learn whether or not our families would be allowed to join us on tour. For the entire tour.

“Guys, this has been quite a decision for us to make. First of all, you must know that we discussed your request long an hard.” One of the elderly management members, Jonathan Smith said smoothly.

“We know how important your families are to you, but you have to understand that this is a world tour. This is not some two-month, gallivanting across Great Britain deal. The upcoming tour will be your biggest one yet.” Another management member added, Ethan Jacobson. 

“With all due respect sirs, we’ve been gone from our families for more time than we’d like. We are no longer 18-year-old boys. We’re grown men, we’ve built lives of our own. All we ask is that you approve our request for the entire One Direction family to be on board this time around.” I say, not liking where management was going.

“The five of us will take care of the details. We just need your approval to move forward. After 17 years you’d think we’d be allowed to bring our families with us for a full tour.” Liam throws out, getting mildly annoyed that even after being in the band for such a long time management still had the final say over personal matters.

“If you wouldn’t mind holding your input for a moment while we tell you our decision we’d appreciate it. Then you all can discuss your concerns after if you’d like.” Ethan raised an eyebrow, giving us all a look that shut any whispering up. “Thank you. Now as we were saying, it was a difficult decision to make. You see we have to take all aspects into consideration when making such a lofty decision. However, after much deliberation we have decided that it is about time your families go on a full tour. You boys deserve it, especially after dedicating half of your lives to this band.

The five of us looked at each other, shocked that we wouldn’t have to try and convince management to change their minds. After the initial surprise wore off, we stood up and shook the members of our management’s hands and left the office.

“They said yes!” Niall shouted, his thick Irish accent prevalent.

“Everyone is coming on tour!” Louis jumped up and down before tackling me in a giant hug, embracing the childlike nature that he never seemed to completely give up.

“Who’s up for a celebratory pint?” We laughed at the Mullingar man before agreeing to one pint at a local pub.

No more coordinating flights in and out, trying to make time in a busy schedule to compensate for the time missed with our families as they flew in for a few short days. This time around they’d always be there. There would be children to tuck into bed every night, sloppy kisses, and no wet cheeks as our babies cried over having to leave their fathers again. No longer would we have to feel guilty about not being there, especially during a seven-month tour like the one we were about to embark on.

New experiences were about to occur for the entire One Direction family. As excited as I was that I would not be leaving my children behind, I couldn’t help but feel that something was going to go wrong.

Terribly, terribly wrong. 

So here's the prologue to the story I've been working on. I'm not sure when i'll have the first chapter up, seeing as I still have to completely rewrite what I had previously written. However, I figured I'd try and gague interest since I had the prologue typed up. 

The song is mildly related, but not very much. I've just had it on replay over the past week and thought I'd add it since I didn't have a specific song that i thought would go well with the prologue. 

Read, vote, comment, etc. I'd really like to see what people think and if it would even be worth continuing. So let me know what you think? Bye loves! 

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