Chapter One

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(Barbarus's Pov)

We walked through the smoky night in a small group. I had all the other alphas with me and their betas. The crunch of dried bones echoed into the night and a sliver of terror slipped into my soul.

"Where are we going exactly?" groaned Leviticus. Her greens eyes glowed in the dark full of impatience. "We've been walking for ages,"

"I told you already. We are going to see an old friend of mine."

She snorted in response. "Stupid old man," she muttered under her breath.

We walked in silence. None of the other alphas said anything but I knew they were losing their patience with me. We were close. I knew it. I could feel the power in my bones. The power of a rogue alpha. She was an old friend of mine, ever since she saved my life all those years ago.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

  Leaves crunched under my feet as I ran. I could hear the hunters following close by. my hot breath puffed and formed little clouds of smoke. Gun shots fired at me and grazed across my skin. I tried to dodge some but fell and I  thought it was over but then a voice spoke out from deep in the forest. "I spy with my little eyes: sheep hunting the wolf." 

I looked into the woods to see a girl walking towards me and the hunters, placing herself in between us. "I'd better fix this weird phenomenon and put you little sheep in your place," she smirked.

What was this girl doing? "Run!" I screamed at her. She just looked at me and said. "Shut up."

She turned her attention back to the hunters. "Damu. Remember this name in hell," she snarled and then all hell broke loose.

Wolves broke out of the woods; all the hunters were slaughtered in a matter of seconds.

As the hunters were killed, the girl let out a raucous laugh sending shivers down my spine. When the fighting stopped, a group of girls came up to Damu. They were bare except for the blood that covered their bodies and the sick grins on their faces.

"Bon appétite," laughed Damu, as she  leaned down to one of the hunters, beginning to eat him. I threw up.

That was the first time we met. Afterwards she took me in until I found my pack again.

I stopped walking when we reached a river. The water was dark and murky barely flowing.

I stopped Amrit as he stepped forward. "What?"he said, looking at me curiously.

I just shook my head. I looked back at the river and spoke. "Ye who's power creates the vortex which churns the water come forth and answer my plea!"

Seconds ticked by and nothing happened.  "This is stupid," growled Leviticus."We should -" Her words cut off as the water exploded in front of her and a mighty wolf stood before them.  The wolf looked at them with cold expressionless eyes. When no one spoke the wolf growled.

I quickly stepped forward and said. "We are looking for Damu," The wolf's eyes widened slightly before it turned around and howled. The howl shook the water and a vortex of water raised from the river and a portal was conceived.  It rested in the midst of the water and a pathway of fog formed. I nodded to the wolf and then walked into the storm.

As I exited the portal the heat hit me. I was surrounded by molten hot lava and in front of me was a cascade of steps and sorting on top was a throne. On each side were giant wolves whose fur was covered in trophies of their past wins. Bones. The bones were from the bodies of those that they killed. It was gruesome seeing it in action. The bones being ripped from the chest and the screams from which they came. I shuddered.

Sitting on the throne was a woman. Her hair was as silver as the stars with streaks of red on the edges that looked as of meteors had flown past them. Tattoos that were all connected stretched across every piece of seeable skin.  I stepped forward as the woman looked up. A golden eye stretched in surprise before the woman screamed, "Barus!" and rushed at me. One second she was on the throne the next her soft lips were on my own and her arms wrapped around my neck.

Her tongue forced itself into my mouth and slipped deeply down my throat. It twirled around my tongue pulling as she deepened the kiss. We parted breathing heavily as we looked onto each others eyes.

"Good to see you too, Damu," I said, looking dearly at her.

She smiled at me and then froze as she sniffed the air. I watched as her eyes sharpened and twirled around looking directly at Leviticus. Before anyone could say anything Damu had launched herself at Leviticus and had her canines embedded in the alpha's neck.


I am literally trying out a new book that just popped into my head. I hope you all like it.


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