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And then he kissed me. I didn't know what to do, how to react, I was stunned. He cradled my head as if I was glass and was going to break any second. He licked my lips and that's when I lost it. I started to kiss him back. I didn't know what I was doing, all I knew was that it felt so right. It was like riding a roller coaster, at first you were scared and all you could do was hold tight and hope it would end quick, but gradually you relaxed, you awaited the next turn with baited breath, craved the exhilarating feeling of a sudden drop, you never wanted to get off. But at sometime, you had to get off the ride and back to reality. So I pushed him away and ran. I heard him shout my name, but I knew I couldn't stop, because once I stopped, I knew I would run right back to him and beg for him to take me away from reality. So I ran, I ran because I was afraid, I was afraid that once he saw past the facade and actually saw me he would run too because all I was were pieces. I was pieced together, but there cracks running throughout, as if that if you took one piece away, I would crumble into a million little pieces. I couldn't have him see that, I needed him, I need him to survive, I need him so I wouldn't crumble. He was my glue that held me together, he was the one that pieced me back, chip by chip. I needed him because I was in love with him.

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