Chapter 3

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I dashed as fast as I could Away from the creature, my heart racing and pounding to the point where it nearly exploded out of my body. As I ran a familiar laugh could be heard from where the creature rested. It definitely wasn't yui as I could hear her screaming and could tell she was behind me but I couldn't tell how far due to my own screams almost being louder than hers. I looked behind me and saw that it was catching up to us.

"Yui go through the path with more trees!"

"Wont that slow us dow-"

"Just do it!"

We took a sharp right, hoping the lower lighting and more obstacles would make the beast lose track of us, but I really think it hurt us more than it hurt it. no matter how far we got, I always saw those glowing yellow eyes.

"Now what!?!" Screamed yuri in between one of her many pants

"I don't know! I came up with this, you do something this time!" I shouted between my many gasps of air.

I had been so scared I forgot I was still carrying the bunny. He was squirming around frantically as he tried to figute out what the hell was going on, I mean I barely knew that. I felt bad that I was carrying the poor thing with me but its not like I can just stop and set him down or something.

Finally I saw the edge of the forest and two people waiting to help us. I turned around and signaled a boastful Sayōnara towards The beast.

"Ren look out in front of us!"

Now That they were closer the two shadowy figures were easily identifiable as the same thing that was chasing us.

"Ren move to your right!"

Without much tought I obediently sidestepped to the right and saw yui did the same but to the left, which looking back on it was brilliant because: (1. we would cofuse the monsters chasing us and (2. We could come out of different points in the forest, confusing the ones that were blocking our path. I ran as fast as I could through the dense wildlife and busted out of the barrier of trees and as I did so I looked to the left, Hoping to see Yui running along with me but I saw she was still being chased by those living nightmares. Suddenly and even louder screech broke through the sound barrier.The shadowy figures began retreating back into the forest and I ran over to yui.

"Dammit Ren, I told you we shouldn't go towards the monsters!"

Yui Exclaimed in under her Heavy breathing.

We went back to my house in near perfect silence. We talked a little bit but not much. Halfway down the hill, Yui looked over at me and asked

"Why are you still carrying that rabbit? Its what lead us to those thing anyways."

"I have to take care of him Yui. You saw how it was running around. I Think he wad being chased by one of those creatures. I cant just let him be eaten by those things!"

"Well when you put it that way I guess we can't leave him alone to die. Thats the first good thing you've said all day, Ren!" We laughed and kept on walking.

"Gee it's getting pretty late, can I stay over tonight, Ren?"



"Well ok, let me call my mom."

As Yui called her mom, I went upstairs and set up a small place where Yui could sleep next to my bed then I got a large plastic container, filled It with wood chippings then placed my new pet bunny Watage in it (lid off obviously), fed him a carrot and placed a tiny bowl of water next to him, after that I ate a slice of Kaedes pizza. It was ok but I dont understand why he dosen't order any toppings on it. Well anyways, Yuis mom said yes and yui came upstairs to join me in a slice. Truth be told I was actually really really glad yui got to stay because after what happened in the forest, I didn't want to be left alone ever again.

"Im pretty tired so im just going to go to sleep right now. Is that okay Ren?"

"Yeah I was going to say the same thing. G'night"


Despite how tired I really was I had a hard time sleeping due to the sheer terror I felt earlier. After about two hours I fell asleep.

I had an awful nightmare. It was a beautiful day in shinri village and I was playing tag with yui when all of the sudden a storm began. the creatures from before were back and this time there were hundreds of them. Me and yui got separated by a raging ocean of monsters and I sank down with only my hand still atop the raging waves. I found myself in a completely black area and I couldn't see anything. After what felt like hours walking around In nothingness I saw Yui in the distance. I called out her name and she turned to face me. As she said hello a giant Blood red creature attacked her from behind and ate her. I was traumatized but I knew I had to run. I told my legs to run but they stayed as still as a statue. all I could do was wait for the inevitable and get eaten. With The gargantuan beast only a few meters away from me, I could finally run, but I knew it was too late. Right before its claws grabbed me I woke up alone in my room.


"Calm down im over here" I heard her voice from the other side of the wall.

As she came out of the hall and into my room, I tried to run up to her and hug her but I felt a sharp pain sting my leg.

"Ren!! Are you okay!?!"

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