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i subconsciously sigh with relief as the bell for the end of the day rings, causing all the students to jump into action and pack their bags.
this day has dragged a lot. not because it's been bad necessarily, but just because i wanted it to be over.
i start to hurry as i remember i invited jimin over to my house after school today, and that i had to go and meet him so we could walk to my house.
i clumsily pack up my things and dash out of the door.


"what should we do?" jimin says as he drops his bag onto my floor.
"hmm.." i look at the time. 16:39.
"how about we just order some food and watch movies?"
he jumps up and smiles.
i laugh. jimin is the type of person who would be up for anything, and still be happy about it.

i leave my room to go and order the food, and when i get back i see that jimin has obviously raided my cupboards, because even though i had just ordered a ton of food, he is sat on my bed nibbling on a chocolate bar surrounded by an array of various sweets. he notices i'm back and scoops up the candy so i have somewhere to sit.
"what do you want to watch?" i ask, scrolling through the movies on netflix.
"something scary!"
i frown.
"i thought you said you didn't like scary films? also, it's not dark and spooky enough yet."
jimin leaps off of my bed, shuts the blinds and curtains, turns off the lights, and shuts my door.
"it is now. also, only babies are scared of horror films. i'm not a baby." he says, puffing out his chest.
"hmm, okay then. but if you get scared don't go running for your mommy." i say teasingly.
he frowns, but as soon as i select a scary film he grabs one of my pillows and hugs it to his chest.

the film is scarier than i thought. and scarier than what jimin thought, apparently, because by the end of it we are clinging onto each other for dear life, and every time a jump scare occurs we grab each other tighter. but two and a half hours of desperate clinging later, the film finally comes to an end and jimin lets out a sigh of relief. he loosens his grip on me, but doesn't let go completely so that he still has his arms wrapped around me. i don't let go either.
"i thought you said you weren't scared" i say, looking up at him.
"this movie doesn't count okay, i didn't know how scary it was going to be. besides, it wasn't that scary, there was just loads of jumps." he replies, avoiding eye contact.
"okay, sure" i say, truly not convinced.
"can we watch a uh... less jumpy one now" he says quietly and i laugh. but i select a considerably less scary one, a disney film.

about half way through the film, i feel my eyelids getting heavier and the sweet concept of sleep feeling more and more inviting.
as i drift off, the last thing i remember is jimin gently guiding my head onto his shoulder as he twirled my hair around his finger.


i slowly let my eyes open. i look around and see all of the food and sweets cleared away, the tv turned off, and a yellow sticky note placed on my bedside table.

sweet dreams!
—jimin <3
ps. you look cute when you're sleepy :)

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