The Last Voyage

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Year 2400.

Approximately thirteen years are remaining. Thirteen years to complete this voyage. Our last voyage from Earth to Agrad12b.

When 20 years from now ecoNOW took over our world, it felt like water in desert. They somehow found replacement of plastic for everything.

Nothing was extravagance anymore, everything could easily be found in an alternative cheaper plastic way. A sense of equality grew among us, blinding us from seeing the obvious harm.

With time the waste kept on increasing. We still were investing our money to that company who were bringing us our doom. The 3R's were long gone. Recycle and reuse became vestigial. There even came a time when we forgot that these oceans were once not grey.

Slowly all the fishes started dying, the animal were on the verge on extinction. With nothing left, plants became our sole source of nutrition. But that, too, was not enough, the decline in the rate of plastic usage was uncomprehendingly slow.

When the ocean water became filthy and toxic we realized we're in dire need of prompt action to protect our earth. Underground water was scarce. Glaciers, too, were not enough. People came forward and demanded closing of ecoNOW, but they showed us a little shimmer of hope with their words.

Of course, those were blatant lies.

With time ecoNOW became more rich and oceans more dry. Fishes were long gone, animals became a rare sight, plants became more precious than anything a man has ever seen.

The sun was pounding on earth, turning it into a hot furnace. Rain became a word of myth. We witnessed a living hell.

Our population kept on declining. Being one of the most habitant species once, having a billion of population, we reduced to thousands.

The catastrophe showed us our fate. Everyday the government would come and give us false promises of water, food and medical aid. It was all nothing but hollow promises. Every year turned worse than the last. More death, more heat, more dry oceans and more lies.

One day, they said that it was now impossible to redeem what we have already done. Our only option was to have our last voyage to haven- Agrad12f. A planet in Alpha Centauri- another star system next to ours.

The only problem was that we were departing in two weeks. Two weeks for every single living man to gather at the departing point. All the superpower countries joined their hands to make this decision.

It was very obvious that while we all were dying they were investing their money in making those spacecrafts and finding a new habitable planet for us. They had already given their hopes to save Earth. Perhaps they knew that the damage was irreversible.

So here we are, all 83000 people from our former planet, making our last voyage to save our species. I don't know if we can survive there but I do know one thing- it started when we refused to say no to plastic!

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