Best Friend Questionnaire

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Somebody help me I keep doing this, this is my third questionnaire. Now this a best friend Questionnaire between Rose and Amelia. Rose will ask Amelia 11 questions than Amelia will ask Rose 11 questions. This is a few years into the future, so they're around 16 (Rose) and 17 (Amelia).


What is my full name?

Amelia: Rosamund Neve Matthews. You know I've always loved our name.

Rose: You have?

Amelia: Yeah. Rosamund means Rose of the world, Neve means snow, and Matthews means God's gift. So your name basically means an everlasting Rose from God.

Rose: Never thought about it like that. I guess Mom did now what she was doing.

What is the name of my favorite childhood pet?

Amelia: He's the only childhood pet you have, Atlas. These questions are easy.

Rose: Yeah the first five question I have for you are pretty straightforward.

What is my astrological sign?

Amelia: Sagittarius. Which fits you because you're confident., assertive, open and have a firm believer in honesty being the best policy

Rose: Thanks, Millie.

Amelia: You're welcome.

Do I want kids, if so, how many?

Amelia: Yes you want kids but because of your diabetes you know it's gonna be hard and would just be happy with one kid. But in all honesty, you want at least two a girl and a boy, and you do not want twins.

Rose: Very good.

What is my weakest subject in school?

Amelia: Math, just math in general, has been since we were kids.

Rose: Number's hate me.

Amelia: Yet you can learn a new language in a couple of months.

Rose: *Shrugs*

You're my best friend, like the one I'm going into a nursing home with, but besides you, my parents, and Maximo who do I confided in the most.

Amelia: *Chuckles* Does Maximo know you're going with me to the nursing home and not him.

Rose: *Shrugs* He does now. Anyway, answer the question.

Amelia: Beck. Beck is you're GBF, and if you didn't tell me, you told him.

What is my favorite band/music artist?

Amelia: Your favorite band in the world is NCT-all of them, but your favorite artist in Logic.

Rose: You know me so well.

Do I bite, clip, or file my nails?

Amelia: We get our nails done once every two months and the file it for you, but the reason we get our nails done is that it stops from biting them.

Rose: It works. It's money, but it's better than having no nails at all.

What is my favorite clothing brand?

Amelia: You don't really like clothing brands. You were what you like and are comfortable in, and you always look for a good sale.

Rose: What can I say, I shop for myself, and I do it smartly.

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