Chapter 3: Kindergarten

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In Kindergarten, I finally invited the true and raw version of myself to the party that was my life. I remember showing off like I was some genius in town for only one night. I thought I knew everything and I thought I was always right. I thought fairies existed and so they did. Anyone who disagreed was confused and under the spell of some evil troll who was against fairies. Before school when we were playing on the playground some other kid would tell a ridiculous account of something that would never happen. Of course I, the voice of reason, would tell them that it wasn't so. We would then continue to squabble until one of us would retort that no matter what the other thought, they were right and it was only a matter of time before the other realized it.

There was one girl who always had a differing opinion from mine. And so obviously she became my idol and friend. She also had a friend who was quite easygoing and loyal. Plus this friend also believed in fairies and you always need an ally to back you up in fairy discussions. She also became my friend. Their names are Phoebe and Winifred, respectively. Phoebe was smart and frank while Winifred was whimsical and stubborn. We spent much of girl scouts together fighting about if you could swallow a large pretzel whole or not. (If you were wondering it was a pretzel stick about 10 inches long which I believed was not swallowable in one bite because you would choke. Phoebe said she had done it and she would do it again to prove it. Just as she was attempting to shove a pretzel bigger than her head down her throat, one of the group leaders came over and told her to stop because it was dangerous. I still find comfort in knowing that she was the head of our kindergarten and first grade classes and I still knew that it was impossible to swallow a ten inch rigid piece of crunchy bread down one's throat without causing serious damage.)

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